civil parish
Oileán Ciarraí
genitive: Oileán Ciarraí
52.252, -9.42711latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
n/a |
An Seabhac: Paróiste an Oileáin, Paróiste Oileáin Ciarraighe [agus go minic ‘Leáing Ciarraighe’]. In aimsir na Gaeilge im óige deirtí ‘Paróiste an Oileáin’ leis. Níl Gaedhilg ó dhúchas sa cheanntar so le blianta fada – fiú ag sean-daoine agus dá bhrí sin níl foghair Ghlge. Oileán Ciarraighe: Ní hoileán é ach inse cois abhann mar a raibh an caisleán. Is dóigh liom gur ar ionad an chaisleáin (castle view anois) a bhí an ainm ‘Oileáin’. An tOileán a bhíodh de ghnáth air ag lucht Glge. Aonach an Oileáin (.i. aonach capall uair sa bhliain) agus a bhí iomráidteach mar aonach fiú ag Muintir Dhuibhneach, mar bhíodh ‘Bartlemy Fair’ i gCo. Corcaighe agus Aonach a’Phuic i gCill Orglan.
n/a |
Cárta Oileán Ciarraí (PO: )Oileán Ciaruídhe RIA 23 B 22.185; “i n-áit go nglaed siad Oileán Ciarraí air” Seanchas ón Oileán Tiar, 219;
1302-7 |
Church de Insula
Pap. Tax. Leathanach: 296
1307 |
the Island in Kerry
'Maurice O’Laghtnan, parson of ...'
CJR Leathanach: 452
1421 |
parrochia ecclesiae Castri Insulae
Ann. Ardf. Leathanach: 3, Alt: 1
1471 |
rectoriam de Insula
Ann. Ardf. Leathanach: 14, Alt: 41
1572 |
The Island
Cal. Carew Imleabhar: I, Leathanach: 414
1586 |
the Island in Kerry
Desm. Surv. Leathanach: 14
1586 |
Manor of Iland
Desm. Surv. Leathanach: 16
1588-9 |
the castle of Ilande
F Alt: 5312
1601 |
the Ilande
Rich M’Jonine
F Alt: 6555
1607c. |
the island of Kerry
CPR Leathanach: 123a
1608 |
“the seigniory of the island of Kerry, otherwise Mounteagle – Loyal
CPR Leathanach: 123
1611 |
Island of Kyery
Inq.(Ci) Leathanach: 44, Imleabhar: I
1611 |
Island of Kyery otherwise called Mounteagle
Inq.(Ci) Leathanach: 45, Imleabhar: I
1612 |
the Iland in Kerry
CPR Leathanach: 202a
1615 |
the parsonadge of Illane
RVis. (Ardf.) Leathanach: 187
1620 |
The rectory of Island
CPR Leathanach: 487b
1635 |
Inq.(Ci) Leathanach: 310, Imleabhar: I
1643 |
the Iland
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 202r
1643 |
the Iland-parish
John McTeige O ffassoune
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 206r
1643 |
the Ileland
John mc Morish (since turned papist)
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 208v
1643 |
the Ilands
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 208v
1643 |
the Iland parish
John McTeige of ffassoune
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 217r
1643 |
the Ileand
Garratt fitz James 220v; Captain John fitz Garrald alias John o Clere 210r
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 220v, 210r
1643 |
the Ilands, barrony of
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 279r
1648 |
Baile an Oiléin
"per mé Eugenium Carthi Baile an Oiléin aedibus Domini Tadei Deirmisi Cormaci Carthi a.d. 1648", BL Cat ii, 337 (= RIA Cat. 436)
1650c. |
Oileán Ciarruidhe
PCT Líne: 989
1654 |
the Iland of Kerry
Garret ffitz James
Dep. 1641 Leathanach: 237r
1655 |
Island, the Parish of
1659 |
Cen. Imleabhar: 246
1670 |
Inq.(Ci) Leathanach: 146
1685 |
Mounteagle, Island
1756 |
Castle-Island formerly the Castle of the Island of Kerry
Smith Hist. Kerry Leathanach: 168
1768 |
Castle Island
"Barry, Mary, Castle Island, co. Kerry"
Ardf. Wills Leathanach: 136
1827c |
Castle Island
TAB Leathanach: 1
1841 |
Parish of Castle Island
BS:AL Leathanach: Ci025,1
1841 |
Castle Island Parish
[Furnished by Rev. R. Mannsell, Rector, 1840]
TAB:AL Leathanach: Ci025,1
1841 |
Parish of Castleisland
GJP:AL Leathanach: Ci025,1
1841 |
Castle Island
Smith Eng. Map:AL Leathanach: Ci025,1
1841 |
Oileán Ciarraighe, 'i.e. the island of Kerry'
OD:AL Leathanach: Ci025,1
1841 |
Oilean Ciarraighe
pl:AL Leathanach: Ci025,1
1841 |
OD:AL Leathanach: Ci025,1
1841 |
This Parish is called in Irish Oileán Ciarraighe, i.e. the Island of Kerry.
LSO (Ci) Leathanach: 117/241
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