civil parish
Baile Hamaltúin
genitive: Bhaile Hamaltúin
civil parish
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
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"Pinkman Cluainín-Uí-Ruairc = O’Rourke’s meadow land. This was the old name of the place. The townland of Clooneen is beside the town. Manorhamilton comes from Sir Fredereick Hamilton, who erected a castle there in the reign of Elizabeth. This castle was considered, in its time, “the largest, strongest and finest in the county as well it might! Hamilton was detested by the people among whom he lived. He was said to have offered £5 for every Breifnian’s head that contained the rebellious notions of an O’Rourke or a Mac Glancy. His castle was burned, it is stated, by a family name McLoughlin, who detested his name and his power – and perhaps with very good reason. "
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"LSO: In Manorhamilton is an old Castle in ruins, which was erected by Sir Frederick Hamilton, who, the people say, was a bloody murderer; but the stories told of him are evidently the emanations of minds that detested him as their conqueror, and as a man who did not care if the devil had all the Mag Glanchies. He was in the habit of giving £5 for every Breifnian head which had contained the nobly rebellious notions of an O’Rourke or a Maglanchy. His Castle is said to have been set on fire by a family of the name of Mag Loughlin, who detested his name and his power; after the burning of his Castle he passed over to Scotland, where he shortly after died of the lousy disease! A disease to which many great and illustrious potentates have, in the recollection of history, fallen victims 131/257. "
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“Mannorhamilton, made a Mannor in King James’s reigne, the sd mannor being given to Sr. Fredericke Hamilton, and his heires. Is now divided ‘twixt Sr. Wm. Gore Baronett, and Sr. John Humes, both being married to ye. sd Sr.Frederickes grand daughters. The Mannor house was a spatious beautifull Cle. we a bawne built be ye. sd Sr. Fredericke, burnt in ye. late Rebellion, & not yet re=edified, the Towne belongs to ye. sd. Wm. Gore. To the Norteweast of wch. he built a good Deere parke of stone; pte of this Mannor is in Drom: & pte in Rosclogher Baron.” (RIA MS 12/W/22. Féach Bréifne, 1971, 328).
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• “Clooneen is in the parish of Killasnet, but the greater part of Manorhamilton is in the townland of Manorhamilton, which is separated from Clooneen by the Owenbeg river…. It would seem from the terms of a grant made to Sir Frederick Hamilton in the sixth year of Charles I that the old name of the townland of Manorhamilton was ‘Clonemullen.’…Cluain Maoláin, the meadow of the hillock.’ After the rise of the town Irish speakers adopted the new name, turning ‘manor’ into ‘baile.’’’…In our own day Irish speakers in Glangevlin, Co. Cavan, call the town Baile Hamaltuin.” (Éigse V, 171-172)
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"1622 ?Clownemullane CPR 539a 1661 ?Cloonemullin Inq. 184 "
1622 |
Manor of Hamilton
CPR Leathanach: 539a
1630 |
“Sir Frederick Hamilton…the manor of Hamilton…a market at Clonemullen, otherwise called Hamilton”
CPCR Leathanach: 541, Imleabhar: II
1654-66 |
Mannor Hamilton
CS X Leathanach: 96
1659 |
Mannor Hamilton
Cen. Leathanach: 566
1659 |
Manner Hamilton
Cen. Leathanach: 568
1661 |
Frederic Hamilton de Maner de Mannor Hamilton
Inq. Leathanach: 184
1680 |
JACAS Imleabhar: I (3), Leathanach: 41, Nóta: (TÓR)
c1690idí |
Féach Bréifne, 1971
RIA Leathanach: 329, Uimhir thagartha: MS 12/W/22.
1729 |
The Mannor of Hamilton
CGn. Leathanach: 72.12.49464
1752 |
Ó Tuathail, Éigse Iml. V Leathanach: 172, Nóta: (Pococke, 74)
1802 |
Manor Hamilton
Stat. Survey (Li) Nóta: (léarscáil)
1802 |
Stat. Survey (Li) Leathanach: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 32, 39, 62, 92, 102, 113, 114,
1809 | ||
1823 |
a mBailehamulton
Ó Tuathail, Éigse Iml. V Leathanach: 172, Nóta: (Gallegan, MS
1835 |
Manorhamilton Plots; Commons, Fields, Bee’s, White’s
TAB Leathanach: Innéacs, 68-71 (60:16/5)
1836 |
1836 |
1836 |
1836 |
1836 |
Baile Hamaltún
'named after Sir Fredric Hamilton'
1836 |
Manor Hamilton
1836 |
Manor Hamilton
1948c |
Baile Hamaltuin
Ó Tuathail, Éigse Iml. V Leathanach: 172
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