civil parish
Explanatory note
- Gaeilge
stone church
dom(h), dam(h) (< domus na Laidine) + gin. uatha lia ‘stone’
53.6544, -6.41235latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
920 |
Colggu, mac Fedaich, abb Sláine, Alldgus Chille Scíre, Aodh Ua Raithnén, sen suí Ereann, agus eccnaidh Saighre, Ferdalach, saccart Cluana mic Nóis, agus Loingseach, mac Aonaccáin, feirtíghis Doimhliacc, dég. ARÉ I-II
1366 |
John Warant releases by quitclaim to John Stokys … in the vill of Dyuelek … Uimh. 237
1374 |
To the Escheator. He is informed that the king wished to be certified as to the seizure of the manors of Incheroryk, Grenmoyars, Imlagh, Stannagh, ***Lesmolyng, and two carucates of land in ***Finnore, three messuages and one carucate of land in ***Doulek, …the reversion of the manor of Lesmolyng… Rotulus Clausus 137
1398 |
St Mary's Develeke
V 190-202 To the bishop of Meath, and the abbots of St. Mary’s Kells (de Kenlis) and St. Mary’s Develeke in the diocese of Meath.
1414 |
Thomas, son and heir of John Cruys, knight …grants to Wm. de Prestoun, merchant, burgess of Drogheda … fourth part … Manor of Dyueleke … manor of Kenlys Uimh. 385
1418 |
Elias Borlach Armagh, Meath Dublin, VII 77-88 To the official of Armagh. Mandate (at the petition of Elias Borlach, rector of St. Lonan's, Kyluelagh, in the diocese of Meath, containing that he formerly proposed to exchange the said church with Nicholas de Vallis for his canonry and prebend of Dublin; t… Walter, prior of the priory of Dublek in the said diocese, the patron, made collation and provision to John Notyngham alias Clerk, priest …
1540-1 |
1540-1 |
(Wm. Whitte)
1540-1 |
Dulyk... Dulyke
Nich. Ewstas of ...Nich. corbally, clerk, rector of...John Browne... Nich. Fowlen...
1540-1 |
John Kerry the 'frankehousse' in
1540-1 |
House of Nuns of Odder ...Jurors... Thos. Palmer of
1540c |
Dulyk, Dulyke,
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester…Dulyk…Wm. Darcy de Platen… Nich. Ewstas de Dulyke, gent, Nich. Corbally clerici …de Dulyke, Thome Hamelyn de Smetheston, gent, Wm. Byrt de Tolloge gent, Briani Byrne de Stamoly, gent, Edw. Sherley vicarii…de Ardcath, Johan. Browne de Dulyke, Nich. Fowlen de eadem, Thome Corbally de Lounderston, Thome Tuyt de Ryverston, Wm. Tanglot de Deanston, Petri Shane de Rath, Ric. Clerke de Colpe, Phip. Butterly de Marynerton clerici… Nich. Davy de Tymole, Thom. Byrne de Rathallen, Johan. Wade de Racaston, Thom. Sarcefylde de Sarcefyldeston, Edm. Dalamare de Dulyke, Johannis Halpenny de Davydston, Johan. More de Newhagard… Crown Survey 27, 28
1546-7 |
Malafene, Dulleeke CPCR 131 Field (Pardon of Nicholas Field, of Malafene, gent, for the murder
of Charles Espinall, late of Dulleeke, in the county of Month—Feb.4, 38°) Nicholas
1551 |
Duleeke, Duleke
and in Duleeke,
Kyllyston, Corbalye, O’Kebride, Glanluske, and the Hilton, within
the parish of Duleke, in the county of Meath CPCR (Morrin) 234
1558-9 |
Dueleke, Duleke
(Henry Draycott)
1559 |
the rectory of Dewleke
(Henry Draycott)
1561 |
(Nicholas Bellew. Richard Bellew, his brother)
1569 |
Dulyeke, Dulyke, Dulycke
Lease … to Francis Agard, esq.; of a chief messuage and land in Carrickrogg, county Meath, land in Arberbushe, Langanan, the Westparke, land on the north of the same, land on the north of the common green of
Dulyeke, Castlecolke, Cowparke, another pasture there, the
parke meadow, by the site of the manor of Dulyke, the Bowglasse,
Smyth's meadow, a close on the south side of the town of Longford,
land on the east of Newton, land on the south of Caranston,
the Maudlyn meadow in Dulycke, cottages and gardens there
occupied by William Brode, Philip Hedian, Patrick Pouncerall,
and George Golborne, a garden there by Ponticull, called the ...F 1458
1590 |
License to William Bath, of Athcarne, second justice
English, of the Common Pleas, assignee of John Parker, esq. : to alienate to any, being English by both parents, the site of the priory of Duleeke, Arborbussh, Langanan, Westerparke, the common green of Duleeke, Castelcott, the Cowepark, a culverhouse, Boglas, the Smythes meadow, pasture by the town of Longford, land on the east of the Neweton, and on the south of Caranston, cottages and land in Duleke, the College yard, the Culverhouse park, land on the north of the church of Duleke, the Foxe parks, a field full of ashes 32 years growing, Atkins acre, pasture on the south of Smyth's meadow, in Duleke, and the Maudlyn meadow in Duleke, parcel of the possessions of the priory of Lanthony in England, F 5422
1598 |
Duleek, Dowleeke
(gluais) Jn. Chivers of Mastoston, Chr. Bath of Rathfeigh, Js. Dillon of Ballgath, Jn. Cusake of Cusingstone, Wal. Gowlding of Pierstone, Pat. Moore of Duleek, Rd. Plunkett of the Boles, Th. Kent of Dainstown, Th. Hamling of Smithstone, Pat. Whyte of Flemington, the Corporation of Dowleeke, Sir Jn. Bellew of Bellewstown, Sir Ed. Moore; Birt of Tullock. Descript. Ir. 94
1598 |
Veldon of Raffinall,
Veldon of Raffen,
Newtervile Drake of Drakerath,
Porter of Kingstone,
Wesley of Dingen,
Wal of Blackhall,
Bath of Rafeig,
Justice Bath, Bath of Dewleeke Descr. Ir. 98
1633c |
III (298-300). cathaoire Midhe, Daimhliag is Cluain Ioraird;
1670 |
19. Sir JAMES GRAHAM knt. and ISSABELL his wife, STANDISH HARTSTONG esq. and ANNE his
wife, Aldn. WM. TOXTETH and JANE his wife, the
three sisters and coheirs of Sir Thomas Bramhall bart.—
<br>Great Streenenes als Stranerees, 105 a.—in Rathmullen, 84 a.
In Cloncurr, 162 a.—in Cornellstowne, 39 a. ; bar. Moyfenragh…<br>
part of ye town and lands of Duleeke> 15 a…bar. Duleeke…
only use of ye heirs and assignes of ye said coheirs. ASE 223
1703 |
43. JOHN GRAHAM of Drogheda, esq., 21st June
1703; consideration…In Duleeke, 4 houses and gardens,
with 17 a. ; bar. Duleek…the estate of
Thomas Bellew of Gaffney, attainted. Forf. 355
1836 |
Daimhliag, 'a stone church'
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Parish of Duleek
BS:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Co. Map 1812:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Quit Rents (Copy):AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
TAB Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
HCER 1826:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Inq. Eliz. I:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Inq. Eliz. I:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Inq. J I:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Inq. C I:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Inq. C II:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Inq. G. & M.:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Grange of Duleek
Inq. Eliz. I:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Du' líce
pron.:AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1836 |
Duleeke; Dewleke; Duleek
Inq. Eliz. I (Archdall):AL Leathanach: Mí036,1
1911 |
Dú’ Liacʹ
"I heard the local pronunciation from Peter McDonagh of Somerville, Co. Meath, as Dumh Liaccʹ ("Dú’ Liacʹ" for Domh Liacc, Damh Liacc). Dúilíce given as gen. under Droichead Átha II. [.i. as LSO] seems strange."
Laoide Imleabhar: II, Leathanach: 154
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