civil parish
Lios na Corraíle
genitive: Lios na Corraíle
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1617 |
Lissnecorrilly 1 cart.
CPR Leathanach: 318
1617 |
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: II.187
1617 |
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: II.207
1635 |
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §306V
1635 |
Lisnacorrily, ½ qr of
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §311V
1635 |
Massereogh, the cartron of
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §311V
1661 |
Lisnacurellie, Cartron of
BSD (ME) Leathanach: 143
1661 |
Mazereotheaghter a cartron... Mazereothoughter ½ a cartron of Lisnacurellie
BSD (ME) Leathanach: 143
1680 |
Lissnecorrily alias Masrevagh 1 qr.
ASE Leathanach: 267
1681 |
Magherieeighter als Masereighter 1 cart., Magheroughter als Masroughter 1 cart.
ASE Leathanach: 271
1698 |
Lisnecorrelly... Massereighter 1 Car., Masseroughter 1 Car.
1698 |
The Controversy, that part of Lisnecorrilley within Inclosure
1699 |
Lisnecorrily 3 Car…. Masseroughter 1 Car., Massereighter 1 Car., Controversy
1708c |
Lisnecorrily 1 Car., Masseroughter 1 Car., Controversy
Browne’s Lands Leathanach: I
1708c |
Lisnecarally 3 Car.
Browne’s Lands Leathanach: II
1708c |
Lisnecorrilly 1 qr., Masseroughter 1 qr. Controversy, Massereighter
Browne’s Lands Leathanach: II
1710c |
Lisnecorrilly als Massreagh
CRL Leathanach: 2A.3.16, 53
1710c |
CRL Leathanach: 2A.3.16, 55
1710c |
Magherentragh als Massreighter... Magheronter als Massreoughter
CRL Leathanach: 2A.3.16, 59
1719 |
Lissnecorrely... Masseereighter
CGn. Imleabhar: 28.385.17884
1787 |
Lissneconelly als Massragh
QRL Leathanach: 2A.6.69, 62
1787 |
QRL Leathanach: 2A.6.69, 65
1787 |
Magherantragh als Massereighter Mahereuter als Masseroughter
QRL Leathanach: 2A.6.69, 69
1830 |
TAB Leathanach: §27
1838 |
Lios na corlaigh
["atha" os cionn "na"]; ["long" os cionn "corl-"];
pl:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
OD:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
["u?" os cionn "-o-" i "-corley"];
OC:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
"a fort (modern) is situated in its S. central part" [Desc. Rem.];
Desc. Rem.:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
BS:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
Liscarrilly alias [.]asreagh
QRL:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
TAB:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
Strafford:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
1838 |
Lios na corlaigh, 'fort of the round hill'
OD:AL Leathanach: ME027,45
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