Boolies Great


53.6203, -6.42826latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)

Historical references

Little Bolyes
lands etc. in Little Bolyes & Kernys, B. Dyveleke, held in chief by knight service as of the manor of Dyveleke, to Henry Yonge, rector of Rathmore, to the use of Eleanor Plunket his wife for life. Heir:— s. Oliver aged 16 . 41.
Cal. Inq.
Lyttyll Bolyes
23 Jan 1532. Dublin, before the Barons of the Exchequer. Jurors:— John Bathe of Colpe, William Stark of Nynch, John Stanle of Fynnor, Oliver Balffe of Molernegon, James Nugent of Moyrath, John Telyng of Siddan, Thomas Ley of Rathreghan, Walter Huse of Moyluske, John Nugent of Balrathneschly, Thomas Cusake of Clonardran & Alexander Everys of Rathtayne. Lavallinus Nugent of Ballebrennagh, gent; d. 10 Mar 1532, seised of half the lands, ten. & services in Lyttyll Bolyes & Kernys, B. Dyweleke, co. Meath, being a sixteenth part of a purparty of the manor of Dyweleke, held in chief. Heir:— s. Edward aged 40. The lands are taken into the kings' hand. (2)
Cal. Inq.
Bolis Magna
(John Broun) Ir. Mon. Poss. 314
Ir. Mon. Poss.
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester…Rectoria ecclesie parochialis de Duleke… <br> Villata de Platen Caleston…Carenston, Gafney, Beamond, Jyltons, Bedleston, Angelston, Kernes, Lonnderston, Johnston, Skaternaggh, Cussyngston, Magna Ryverston, Parva Ryverston, Bolyes, Kenok, the Denys, Athcarne, Gallyston, Malaghsene, Kellyston et Parapach, Drommyn, Rathyll, Gellynston, Garblagh, Gasconston, Bowanson, Corbally, Longford, Newton, Balferne, Knokkyllan, Londerston et Kenok Crown Survey 27, 32, 33
Crown Surv.
Infra baroniam de Dulyck … Arcathe … Pat. Shanne de Rathe … Edm. Farrell de Westerkernes, Johan. Dodde de Esterkernes, Phil. Doggehed, Wm. Andrew de Bolys, Wm. Savage de Curraghe, Steph. Pepard de Magna Ryuerston, Thom. Tute de Parva Ryuerston, Math. Querke de Skatnathe, Walt. Connor de Kenock, Christ. Fytz Lenys, Henrici Byrne de Monanston, Johan. Halffpeny de Daveston … Crown Survey 197-8
Crown Surv.
Bolles (both towns of ...)
Lease … to Francis Agarde, esq.; of land by Horrock and Woodwye, land by Carreston, in Platyn, and in Newton, co. Meath, 5s. chief rent, out of the lands of Robert Plunket, knt., in Dromyn, a moiety of Rathallen, the rectory of Dulicke, extending to Dulicke, Platten, Calleston, Carenston, half of Gafney, Beamond, both villages of Hilton, Bedelston, Angelston, both villages of Kernes, Lounderston, Johnston, Scaternaghe, Cusshington, great Riverston, little Riverston, both towns of Bolles, Kenaugh, Dennys, Athekerne, Galestowne, Malaughefen, Gilbeston, Perapache, Dromyn, Rathyll, Gillingston, Carblaughe, Gasconstone, Dowanston, Corbally, Longford, Newton, Balserne, Knockillan … F 1480
Greate Boolis
James, Duke of York…Sillioge, 352 a. ; bar. Morgallian, co. Meath.— Grenanstowne (part), 50 a… bar. Lune, same co.— Ballygeeth, 207 a…Wrightowne, 281 a…Monkland, 19 a…Warrenstowne and Batterstowne, in the parish of Killclone, 87 a…Woodcockstowne (part), 60 a. ; bar. Deece, same co. —in Cloncurr, 64 a. ; bar. Moyfenragh, same co.—in Curraghtowne, 90 a. ; bar. Skreene, same co.— Greate Boolis,170 a… Dollardstowne, 382 a…bar. Duleeke… ASE 187
Great Boolis
59. JOHN PAGE of Dublin, Alderman, 3d June 1703…The town and lands of Great Boolis, 191 a.; bar. Duleeke…the estate of the late King James. Forf. Est. 351
Forf. Est.
HCER 1826:AL Leathanach: Mí036,46
Buailidhe móra, 'great dairies'
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí036,46
Great Boolies
BS:AL Leathanach: Mí036,46
Great Boolis
Co. Map 1812:AL Leathanach: Mí036,46
Great Boolis
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí036,46
Great Bolies
TAB Leathanach: Mí036,46
Great Boolis
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí036,46

Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.

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