53.7445, -9.80085latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
700c |
hi-Muiriscc Aigli
Pat. Texts Leathanach: 322
782 |
Muirisce, Ar Ua mbriuin Umhaill la Uibh Fiachrach
ARÉ Leathanach: i 390
900c |
hi Muirisc Aigli i Cill Epscoip Rotáin
Trip. Life Leathanach: i 142
1431 |
...De[]umallichta et uachturich... []ecclesie de Wachamayl
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 67 §83
1448 |
Wallnachdarach, [rural lands of]
CPL Leathanach: x 408
1456 |
CPL Leathanach: xi 294
1456 |
CPL Leathanach: xi 294
1462 |
Umall Uachtarach
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 81 §182
1462 |
Umallvachtarach, rectorie terrarum ruralium de
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 81 §182
1462 |
Umall Uachtarach
CPL Leathanach: xi 454
1463 |
Umall Uacdararac [&] Ychdarach
CPL Leathanach: xi 477
1467 |
Mainisteir Buirgse, a
Celtica Leathanach: xiv, 92 §27
1467 |
Mainisteir Buirgse, a
Celtica Leathanach: xiv, 92 §27
1472 |
CPL Leathanach: xii (2) 327
1499 |
Vathamaill, ... vicarie... de
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 111 §319
1499 |
Wmallyacd [&] Vacdachr... Vachamayll
CPL Leathanach: xvii (2) 105 §165
1509 |
Wuialictaracno [&] Woctarach
CPL Leathanach: xix 125 §212
1510 |
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 114 §334
1510 |
CPL Leathanach: xix 186 §320
1545 |
umhall uí mháille, in
ARÉ Leathanach: v 1490
1565c |
Uallymalle, Rectoria de
Vis.Clonf. Leathanach: 153
1565c |
Vis.Clonf. Leathanach: 207
1570 |
Morysky... O’Maly’s country
Div. Conn. Leathanach: 1 (Knox)
1574 |
The Barony of Muriske, containing Owleymale and the Islands, viz.: Inyshturk and Inyshoirke, Cliera and Aukilles
Cal. Carew Leathanach: iv 473 §5
1574 |
Owle Imale
Div. Conn. Leathanach: 2A (Knox) 216
1574 |
Div. Conn. Leathanach: 2A (Knox) 217
1574 |
Div. Conn. Leathanach: 2A (Knox) 217
1576 |
the three Ulles, viz., Ull I Waly, Ull Chlynphillibyne and Ullieghtrigh
COD Imleabhar: V 274 §285
1576c |
Owalle Imalle
F Leathanach: 2989
1578 |
Murske, the house of friars of
F Leathanach: 3368
1578 |
Murske, the house of friars of
F Leathanach: 3368
1578 |
d’ubhall í Mháille, sa taobh atuaith
Sen. Búrc. Leathanach: 149
1584 |
Owles O mayle... Owles omaile
Browne’s Map Leathanach: 2
1584 |
Browne’s Map Leathanach: 1, 2
1585 |
Morriske, the Barrony of
CBC Leathanach: 93
1585 |
The Barrony of Murriske in the Owles
CBC Leathanach: 95
1585 |
Morriske, the Abby of
CBC Leathanach: 95
1585 |
Morriske, the Abby of
CBC Leathanach: 95
1585 |
Murriske, the Barrony of
CBC Leathanach: 100
1585 |
Murriske, the abby of
CBC Leathanach: 101
1586c |
Moriske or Owles O’Mayle
CSPI Leathanach: 567 §16
1586c |
Owle a Maile, Barony of
1590 |
Morriske, barony of
Sligo Papers (Murphy) Leathanach: 46
1591 |
Owll Yvaly
Incumbents Leathanach: 224
1593 |
the house of Morisky upon the seaside in Owse [sic] O’Malley
CSPI Leathanach: 133
1593 |
the country called Opper Owle O’Mailly, now called the Barony of Murasky
CSPI Leathanach: 133
1593 |
Owle O’Mailly
CSPI Leathanach: 136
1593 |
Morisky, lands of
CSPI Leathanach: 136
1594 |
Murske, the barony of
F Leathanach: 5865
1595 |
the Uppermost Owle O Mallie
F Leathanach: 5948
1599 |
humhall cloinne giobúin, go
ARÉ Leathanach: vii 2098
1599 |
Grany o male
1605 |
Mourske, Will. Nowne of
CPR Leathanach: 45b
1607 |
CSPI Leathanach: 65 §100
1607 |
Bar. de Murisk... Murrisk (apud)
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: I.19
1607 |
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: III.289, 291;
1609 |
the late friary of Murshe otherwise Morooske
CPR Leathanach: 129a
1610 |
Sanctuary, The
1610c |
1610c |
owles o maley, the barony of
1610c |
1613 |
Westport Est. Pap. Leathanach: 40,888/6(3)
1616 |
the baronies of Moriske, Burrysowle
CPR Leathanach: 312b
1616c |
umall cloinne giobuin
Beatha Aodha Ruaidh Leathanach: i 204
1617 |
Morisk Bar.
CPR Leathanach: 318b
1617 |
Murishe, barony of
CPR Leathanach: 319a
1617 |
Moirske Bar.
CPR Leathanach: 319a
1617 |
Muriske, manor of
CPR Leathanach: 319b
1617 |
Morisk Bar.
CPR Leathanach: 333b
1617 |
Moriskee Bar.
CPR Leathanach: 334a
1617 |
Moriske Bar.
CPR Leathanach: 334a
1617 |
Moriste, cas.
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: II.209
1617 |
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: II.259
1618 |
Morisk, barony of
CPR Leathanach: 393b
1621 |
Moruske, B. de
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: I.100, 102
1621 |
Morushe, B. de
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: I.102
1622 |
Muriske, barony of
CPR Leathanach: 527a
1623 |
Moruske, B. de
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: I.109
1623 |
Moruske, B. de
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: I.111
1624 |
B. de Moruske... B. Murrisk
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: I.117
1625 |
Murske, barony of
Westport Est. Pap. Leathanach: 40,889/5(23)
1635 |
Murisk, barony of
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §§31V, 158V
1635 |
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §30V
1635 |
Murick... Murisk
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §40
1635 |
the manor, castle, and lands of Morisk...
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §51
1635 |
Murisk, the abbey of
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §51
1635 |
½ qr of the abbey of Murisk
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: §51
1647 |
Ecclesiae de Kill-rodain in regione de Muiresch-aigle praefecit
Triad. Thaum. Leathanach: 140a
1650c |
hUmall Uí Mháille, go
LGen. Leathanach: ii 602 §267.2
1650c |
Umall Uí Mhaille, Clann Giubuin in
LGen. Leathanach: iii 132 §810.1
1655 |
Iar Conn. Leathanach: 415
1661 |
Murrisk Barony
BSD (ME) Leathanach: 108
1672c |
Murrisk Barony
1673 |
Westport Est. Pap. Leathanach: 40,889/12(5)
1677 |
ASE Leathanach: 234.6
1677 |
bar. Morrish
ASE Leathanach: 237.14
1677 |
bar. Muriske
ASE Leathanach: 243.4
1677 |
bar. Murisk... Muriske
ASE Leathanach: 243.4
1677 |
bar. Murisk
ASE Leathanach: 244.1
1677 |
bar. Murriske
ASE Leathanach: 248.23
1677 |
Muriske and Borishowle
Westport Est. Pap. Leathanach: 40,889/14(4)
1678 |
bar. Muriske
ASE Leathanach: 257.3
1678 |
bar. Murriske
ASE Leathanach: 249.12, 254.20, 261.30
1680 |
bar. Moriske
ASE Leathanach: 268.14
1680 |
bar. Moriskie
ASE Leathanach: 268.14
1680 |
bar. Murriske
ASE Leathanach: 269.14, 269.36
1681 |
bar. Muriske
ASE Leathanach: 272.33
1681 |
bar. Muriske
ASE Leathanach: 272.37
1698 |
1699 |
1700c |
Muriske Bar.
Conn. Map Leathanach: 2
1704 |
Murriske Barr.
1708c |
Murrisk Barr.
Browne’s Lands Leathanach: I
1708c |
Murriske Barr.
Browne’s Lands Leathanach: II
1710 |
Murrisk, barony of
Westport Est. Pap. Leathanach: 40,918/3
1710c |
Murrisk, Abby of
CRL Leathanach: 2A.3.16, 91
1714 |
1714 |
1715 |
Morisk in the Owles... Moriske
Burke’s Priests Leathanach: 426-427
1715c |
1720c |
1721 |
1725 |
CGn. Imleabhar: 46.389.29042
1762 |
Ouall vi Mhaly... id est, Poma O-Malyorum
Galvia Leathanach: 4, 66
1776 |
Mackenzie Leathanach: xiv
1781 |
Murrisk, the Barony of
Ó Flanagáin - Westport Nóta: (Fair Patent)
1786 |
Mon. Hib. Leathanach: 506
1790c |
1792 |
1792 |
Abbey of Murriske
QRL Leathanach: 2A.6.74, 180
1802 |
1811 |
1811 |
1812 |
1812 |
Abby of Morisk
1830 |
Baroney of Morisk
Bald Uimhir: 18
1837 |
Top. Dict. Leathanach: ii 97
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Archival and research material provided on this site may be used, subject to acknowledgement. Issues regarding republication or other permissions or copyright should be addressed to logainm@dcu.ie.
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