civil parish
53.7666, -9.1079latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
726 |
Muireadhach, macIndreachtaigh, do mharbhadh, epscop Maighe eú esidhe
ARÉ Leathanach: i 324
731 |
Pontifex maighe hEu Saxonium Garaalt obiit
AU I Leathanach: i 184
772 |
Aedan episcopus maighe hEu
AU I Leathanach: i 240
778 |
Magh eo do losccadh
ARÉ Leathanach: i 384
782 |
Combustio aies Machae ך maighi hEu saxonum
AU I Leathanach: i 256
830c |
Garalt Maigi Eó cum suis
Mart. Tall. Leathanach: 22, Mar. 12
830c |
Mochonne Maige Eo
Mart. Tall. Leathanach: 27, Mar. 27
830c |
Ingell Maigi Eo
Mart. Tall. Leathanach: 81, Oct. 20
905 |
Derthech Maighe eo do losccadh
ARÉ Leathanach: ii 574
1130c |
Colman Maigi Eo
CGSH Leathanach: 143 §707.207
1169 |
Magh eó na Saxan co na recclés... do loscadh
ARÉ Leathanach: ii 1170
1170c |
Cuangus Maighe Eo na Saxan, abb ך epscop
FGorm. Leathanach: 54 Mar. 13
1170c |
mo-C[h]onna Maighe eó
FGorm. Leathanach: 62 Mar. 27
1170c |
Broccaid Imligh Broccadha i Maigh óe [sic]
FGorm. Leathanach: 132 Jul. 132
1170c |
la hAedan Ingeldi, Maighe Eo
FGorm. Leathanach: 200 Oct. 20
1170c |
Colman i Maigh Eo
FGorm. Leathanach: 218 Nov. 13
1176 |
Domhnall mactoirdealbhaigh uí Concobhair ticchearna thuaiscceirt Connacht... a adhnacal i maigheo na Saxan
ARÉ Leathanach: iii 26
1183 |
Gilla-Isa hUa Mailin, espuc Maighi-Eó, moritur
AU I Leathanach: ii 202
1184 |
Muighi Eo, espuc
AU I Leathanach: ii 204
1185 |
Gilla Isa .H. Maoilín, espuc Maighe hEó, quieuit
ALC Leathanach: i 170
1209 |
Cele ua dubhthaigh epscop Maighe eo na Saxan
ARÉ Leathanach: iii 160
1210 |
Céle .H. Dubthaigh, espuc Moighe hEó, quieuit
ALC Leathanach: i 240
1210 |
Ceile hUa Dubhthaigh, epscop Mhaighi-Eo na Sax[an]
AU I Leathanach: ii 250
1217 |
[state of the church of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: i 50
1225 |
co Mag nEo
AConn. Leathanach: 12 §§15, 26
1225 |
Mag nEo, [go]
ALC Leathanach: i 280, 288
1225 |
i moigh neó
ARÉ Leathanach: iii 226
1230 |
co Magh nEo na Sachsan
AConn. Leathanach: 34 §4
1230 |
go Mag nEo na Saxanach
ALC Leathanach: i 300
1236 |
co Mag nEo na Sachsan... i rrelic moir Moigi nEo
AConn. Leathanach: 62 §11
1236 |
co Magh nEó na Saxsanach
ALC Leathanach: i 338
1236 |
go maigh eó na saxan
ARÉ Leathanach: iii 288
1240 |
[Master Christin, proctor of the church of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: i 190
1242 |
i mMuig nEo na Saxan
AConn. Leathanach: 76 §12
1242 |
Niall [hua Conchobhar]... do loscad... a Muigh nEó na Saxanach
ALC Leathanach: i 358
1242 |
i Maig Eo na Saxan
1256 |
tancatar co Mag nEo na Saxan ך as-side co Balla
AConn. Leathanach: 114 §5
1256 |
go Magh nEó na Sasanach, ocus assidhe go Balla
ALC Leathanach: i 408
1262 |
o Moig Eo na Sachsan ך o Balla aniar
AConn. Leathanach: 138 §5
1262 |
ó Mhuigh Eó na Saxanach ocus ó Bhalla aníar
ALC Leathanach: i 442
1262 |
airgiostair ó Moigh eó na Saxan ך o Bhalla iniar
ARÉ Leathanach: iii 386
1289 |
[archdeacons of Tuam and Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: i 498
1303 |
[seized the bishopric of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: i 610
1307c |
[Deanery] Mayonensis... [The Church of St Gerald]
Pap. Tax. Leathanach: 213
1411 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s] de Maio
CPL Leathanach: vi 260, 274
1411 |
[chucrh of the Augustinian monastery of St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vi 290
1412 |
[Augustinian abbot and convent of St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vi 278
1413 |
(?)[monastery of St. Michael]
CPL Leathanach: vi 398
1413 |
[monastery of St. Michael’s,] Maio
CPL Leathanach: vi 422
1413 |
[monastery of St. Michael’s] de Migheo
CPL Leathanach: vi 426
1413 |
[abbey of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vi 434
1417 |
[monastery of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vii 60
1418 |
[abbot of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vii 95
1419 |
[deanery of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vii 149
1420 |
[perpetual vicarage of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vii 143
1420 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vii 160
1421 |
[St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vii 162
1421 |
[the deanery of Mayo... St. Michael’s Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: vii 226
1427 |
[the dean of Mayo...]
CPL Leathanach: viii 59
1428 |
[abbot of St Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 52
1429 |
[monastery of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 142
1430 |
[Thomas, Augustinian abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 110
1430 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo... Thomas Ohayga]
CPL Leathanach: viii 191
1430 |
[church of] Moynen[sis]
CPL Leathanach: viii 164
1430 |
[To the abbot, Mayo...] Ruymund Bremechean
CPL Leathanach: viii 193
1431 |
Malachia Imulabayll, principalis ... monasterii Sancti Michaelis de Mayo, ordinis Sancti Augustini
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 67 §86
1431 |
[the late Thomas, abbot of the Augustinian monastery of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 356
1431 |
[the dean of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 357
1432 |
[abbot of... St Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 425
1432 |
[Martin Compania, elect of] Magionen[sis]
CPL Leathanach: viii 427
1432 |
[diocece of Mayo...Thieus Omurcu, canon of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 453
1436 |
[Nicholas, bishop of] Magionen[sis ... at the church of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 582
1437 |
[St Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: viii 651
1438 |
[bishop of] Mageonen[sis]... Cilleuim[i]n
CPL Leathanach: ix 45
1441 |
Eugenius Ochenduayn, [clerk of the dioces of Mayo alias Tuam...]
CPL Leathanach: ix 151
1441 |
Malachy Offlanaghan... [diocese of Mayo... the prebend of Balla]
CPL Leathanach: ix 175-6
1441 |
Oddo Okennuan [canon of] Magionen[sis]... Rory Yconridh [priest, of the deanery of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: ix 183
1441 |
[diocese of Mayo... Odo, now bishop of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: ix 190
1441 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo... dean of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: ix 215
1441 |
[to St Michael’s, Mayo... diocese of Tuam alias Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: ix 223
1442 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s in the diocese of Mayo alias Tuam and] Odo Ogeanuan, [canon of Mayo alias Tuam]
CPL Leathanach: ix 149
1443 |
[abbot of... St Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: ix 381, 405
1444 |
Wiliam Oconmachan [priest, of the diocese of Tuam alias Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: ix 428
1446 |
[to the bishop and dean of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: ix 552
1447 |
John Odublerga [priest of the diocese of Mageonen[sis]
CPL Leathanach: x 285
1447 |
Odo Ohugyn [who behaves as bishop of] Mayo
CPL Leathanach: x 340
1447c |
William Ochomoghan [priest, of the diocese of Tuam alias Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: x 340
1447c |
[the manor or place of Mayo... city of] Magionen[sis... Odo... bishop of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: x 343
1448 |
Wa[l]ter Pringragas... [deanery of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: x 382
1448 |
[canons of Tuam alias Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: x 408
1448 |
[to the bishop of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: x 417
1449 |
William Macbrethon [priest, of the diocese of Tuam alias Mayo, the perpetual vicarage of Balla]
CPL Leathanach: x 442
1450 |
[to the abbot of St. Mary’s [sic], Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: x 502
1451 |
[To… William Prindagras… to the monastery of St. Michael]… Tuamensis diocesis alias May[o]nensis civitatis
CPL Leathanach: x 564
1452c |
[to the abbot of St. Michael’s] de Magio
CPL Leathanach: x 597, 611
1453 |
[in the diocese of Tuam alias Mayo… the parish church of St Gerald de Mayo… death of Nicholas Ocurba]
CPL Leathanach: x 632
1455 |
Thomas de Angulo… [a canon of Tuam, the prebend of Balla in the church of Tuam alias Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xi 209
1457 |
Simon de Duren [elect of] Magionen[sis]… [city and diocese of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xi 309
1457c |
[to the abbot of St. Michael’s], Maio
CPL Leathanach: xi 340
1459 |
[St. Michael’s] de Magio
CPL Leathanach: xii 36
1460 |
Dermit Oscara… [parish church of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xii 81
1460 |
Magonius Oconchuyr [a canon of the Augustinian monastery of St Michael] de Maio
CPL Leathanach: xii 88
1460 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xii 110
1461 |
[Simon, bishop of] Magionen.
CPL Leathanach: xii 126
1462 |
Johannes Omurchu, principalis… monasterii Sci. Michaelis de Mayo
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 81 §186
1462 |
Malachy Omulauaill [abbot of the Augustinian monastery of St. Michael, Mayo… John Omurchu … of the perpetual vicarage of Gerald’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xi 461
1463 |
[a canon of the Augustinian abbey of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xii 191
1464 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s] de M[a]gio
CPL Leathanach: xii 415
1464c |
[abbot of St. Michael’s] de Maio
CPL Leathanach: xii 416
1464c |
[Matthew] Oflaarthy [canon of] Maionen[sis]
CPL Leathanach: xii 447
1465 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xii 241
1465c |
[abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo… John Ohennan, clerk, of the diocese of Mayo
CPL Leathanach: xii 485
1466 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xii 490
1466 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s], Maio
CPL Leathanach: xii 514
1470 |
Thieus Omullanayll, canonicus monasterii beati Michaelis de Mayo
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 85 §202 / CPL xii 736
1470c |
Malachy Omullanayll [abbot of the monastery of St. Michael] de Magio
CPL Leathanach: xii 795
1475 |
[Donald Ocliara… a canon of the monastery of St. Michael] de Magio
CPL Leathanach: xiii 466
1475c |
[St Michael’s, Mayo… rural lands of Balimgarliat… of the parish church of St. Geraldus, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xiii 533
1475c |
[John Omury… St. Michael’s, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xiii 534
1476 |
Walterio Cusyn… vicarie parrochialis ecclesie Sancti Geraldi de Mayo
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 89 §223
1476 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s] Maio
CPL Leathanach: xiii 535
1476c |
[diocese of Mayo… Odo, bishop of Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xiii 552
1478 |
Int Epscop O hUigind, epscop Moige hEo na Saxan quieuit
AConn. Leathanach: 580 §8
1478 |
An tepscop ua huiccinn .i. epscop maighe eo na Saxan décc
ARÉ Leathanach: iv 1104
1480 |
[abbot of St. Michael’s] de Magyo
CPL Leathanach: xiii 83
1481 |
[the abbots] de Magio
CPL Leathanach: xiii 794
1485 |
[monastery of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xv 1 §2
1491 |
Balengarba, ... rectorie parrochialis ecclesie de
Ann. Tuam. Leathanach: 102 §272
1492 |
[rural lands of] Balle Ingarga... [united to the canonry and the prebend of] Kylcornan
CPL Leathanach: xviii 520 §762
1500 |
Miler Pinagras [canon of the monastery of St. Michael] de Magio
CPL Leathanach: xvii (1), 244 §384
1500 |
[monastery of St. Michael] de Magio
CPL Leathanach: xvii (1), 265 §401
1500 |
[the church of Mayo… parish church of St Gerald] de Maio
CPL Leathanach: xvii (1), 266 §402
1502 |
[monastery of St. Michael] de Magyo
CPL Leathanach: xvii (1), 501-2 §§826, 827
1506 |
[John, bishop of] Maionen’
CPL Leathanach: xviii 413 §584
1507 |
[William Ochuan... Tuam alias Mayo... monastery of St. Michael] de Magyo
CPL Leathanach: xviii 523 §765
1507 |
[Tuam alias Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xviii 520 §762
1509 |
[monastery of St. Michael] de Maio
CPL Leathanach: xix 101 §168
1509 |
[monastery of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xix 103 §170
1515 |
[William] Omurcu... [of the monastery of St. Michael, Mayo]
CPL Leathanach: xx 166 §246
1569 |
Mayo, site of the priory of canons of
F Leathanach: 1404
1574 |
Mayo, [castle of]
Cal. Carew Leathanach: iv 476 §5
1574 |
[V. Mayo]… [P. Teaghsaxon; R. Mayo]
Div. Conn. Leathanach: 2A (Knox) 216
1574 |
The abbay of [Mayo]
Div. Conn. Leathanach: 2A (Knox) 217
1574 |
Richard MacMorris of Castle Barnan
Div. Conn. Leathanach: 2 (Knox) 346-7
1576 |
Tarmyn Mayio
COD Imleabhar: v 274 §285
1578 |
Siarriam conndaoe Muighe dheó do mharbhadh le Emann a Burc, macTomais in machire .i. Muilirre macUater
ALC Leathanach: ii 422
1578 |
site of the house of friars of Taghesessen… Tasaxone…; site site of the priory of Maio
F Leathanach: 3419
1584 |
Abb: Mayo
Browne’s Map Leathanach: 1
1585 |
belonging to her Matie. as in right of the abby of Mayo
CBC Leathanach: 94
1585 |
abby of Mayo
CBC Leathanach: 101
1585c |
[Rectory of Mayo]
1589 ] |
Siarrium conndae Muige nEo .i. magistir Brun
ALC Leathanach: ii 488
1591 |
[Dean of Mayo]... Mayo
Incumbents Leathanach: 225-6
1600c |
1629 |
Mayo, nup. de
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: III.361
1630c |
Garalt Maighe-eo, abb acus epscop
FNÉ Leathanach: 74 Mar. 13
1630c |
Broccaidh, Imligh Brocadha i Muigh eo
FNÉ Leathanach: 191, Sept. 9
1630c |
Aedhan Ingeldi, Maigh eo, Ao. Di. 650
FNÉ Leathanach: 278 Oct. 20
1630c |
Colman, Muige eo
FNÉ Leathanach: 308 Nov. 13
1635 |
Inq.(ME) Leathanach: III.401
1635 |
Mayo, Gerald Dillon of
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: 128
1635 |
Mayo, the town of
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: 153V
1635 |
Mayo, moiety of the priory or abbey of]
Straff. Inq. ME Leathanach: 155V
1650c |
<i g>C(h)ondae Mhuighe Eó
LGen. Leathanach: ii 94 §344.1
1650c |
i gCondae Muighe Eó
LGen. Leathanach: iii 104 §798C.1
1650c |
Maoilir, Tighearna Muighe Eó
LGen. Leathanach: iii 124 §806.7
1650c |
Goisdealbhacha i gCondae Muighe Eó
LGen. Leathanach: iii 610 §1271.5
1650c |
Teaboid, Tighearna Muighe Eo
LGen. Leathanach: iii 734 §1386.5
1650c ] |
a cCondaeibh Muighe Eó agus Rosa Comain
LGen. Leathanach: iii 758 §1409.2
1661 |
Temple Garret Parish
BSD (ME) Leathanach: 75
1672c |
1678 |
Mayo and the lands, late monastery or priory of
ASE Leathanach: 254a
1680 |
in the town of Mayo called Knockane-Ebrunny
ASE Leathanach: 269a
1681 |
Knockane-Bruny in Mayo town
ASE Leathanach: 272a
1691 |
1700c |
Templegarrald; Mayo
Conn. Map Nóta: (2)
1710c |
late Monastry or Priory of Mayo and ye lands thereunto belonging
CRL Leathanach: 2A.3.16, 148b
1710c |
Rectory of Killticollo als Killtocollo als Killtecyly als Templegarret als Mayo
CRL Leathanach: 2A.3.16, 154b
1710c |
Templegerald Parish
CRL Leathanach: 2A.3.16, 154b
1715c |
1721c |
1740c |
L. Blosse Papers Leathanach: 207 §102
1787 |
Monastry... Mayo & lands
QRL Leathanach: 2A.6.70, 562
1787 |
Rectory of Killtecolla als Kiltocollo als Killekyly als TempleGarret als Mayo
QRL Leathanach: 2A.6.70, 588
1787 |
Templegerald Parish
QRL Leathanach: 2A.6.70, 589
1792 |
Mayo R.
1824 |
TAB Leathanach: 60
1830 |
1838 |
Mayo Parish
1838 |
1838 |
Maigh Eó “plain of the yews”
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Archival and research material provided on this site may be used, subject to acknowledgement. Issues regarding republication or other permissions or copyright should be addressed to logainm@dcu.ie.
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