civil parish
53.6072, -6.38168latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1305 |
lch. 253, 262.
1378 |
Close Roll 1 Richard II.
To Stephen [Valle], bp Meath …Edward III, late K. of Eng., grandfather of the present K., in the K.'s court in Ire. before the K.'s beloved and faithful William Windsor, then governor of his land of Ire., recovered by means of a writ of quare impedit his right of presentation to the church of Ardcath in the diocese of Meath against the then prior of Llanthony Prima in Wales …
(Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1381 |
Patent Roll 4 Richard II <br>
CONFIRMATION, for a fine of 20m paid in the hanaper … John Yatton, prior of St John, Llanthony … of the estate that the prior … in the church of Ardcath, diocese of Meath, as it was held by John Rufford, late prior … (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1385 |
Patent Roll 9 Richard II <br>
COMMISSION to William Symcok, burgess of Drogheda, of custody of the manor of Ardcath, co. Meath. (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1400 |
Patent Roll 2 Henry IV <br>
COMMISSION, by mainprize of John Whitsyde and John Symcok, to William Symcok of Drogheda of custody of the manor of Ardcath, co. Meath, except a water-mill there,
(Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1421 |
Patent Roll 9 Henry V <br>
LICENCE to John Bolt, vicar of the church of the Blessed Mary of Ardcath, diocese of Meath, to cross to the schools of the university of Oxford, and to stay there for one year, and meanwhile to receive the fruits of that church. (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1426 |
Patent Roll 5 Henry VI <br>
COMMISSION, by mainprize of Richard s. of John Fleming of Moretoun near Slane and John s. of John Alleyn of co. Meath, to William Betagh' and Joan his wife of custody of 60 acres of land in Ardcath (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1432 |
Patent Roll 10 Henry VI <br>
LICENCE to William [Haddesor], bp Meath, to give to John [Haddesore], citizen and merchant of Dublin, the manor of Ardcath, (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1533-34 |
Ardcath (the church of the Blessed Virgin) CPCR 9 (Morrin) Serle (pardon of intrusion, vicar) Edw.
1534 |
Ardcath (le Rathe near ...)
Edward Nugent of Balibranage was not seised at his death of any lands in co. Dublin, but long before his death, on 10 June 1534 he enfeoffed James Cusake of Nowan of all the lands he had in Balibranage, le Rathe near Ardcath & Kernys, in co. Meath, & of all the lands he had in Corbally, Couloke, Legrayn de Baldoyle & Derndall, co. Dublin. He made a will declaring that James was to stand seised to his (Edward's) own use for life, the lands then to be charged with £20 for payment of his debts & £40 marriage portion for his dau. Catherine.
1540-1 |
1540-1 |
Extent of the barony of Duelek made at
1540-1 |
Edw. Sherley vicar of ...
1540c |
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester…Dulyk…Wm. Darcy de Platen… Nich. Ewstas de Dulyke, gent, Nich. Corbally clerici …de Dulyke, Thome Hamelyn de Smetheston, gent, Wm. Byrt de Tolloge gent, Briani Byrne de Stamoly, gent, Edw. Sherley vicarii…de Ardcath, Johan. Browne de Dulyke, Nich. Fowlen de eadem, Thome Corbally de Lounderston, Thome Tuyt de Ryverston, Wm. Tanglot de Deanston, Petri Shane de Rath, Ric. Clerke de Colpe, Phip. Butterly de Marynerton clerici… Nich. Davy de Tymole, Thom. Byrne de Rathallen, Johan. Wade de Racaston, Thom. Sarcefylde de Sarcefyldeston, Edm. Dalamare de Dulyke, Johannis Halpenny de Davydston, Johan. More de Newhagard… Crown Survey 27, 28
1540c |
Rectoria de Arcath <br>
Ecclesie parochialis de Arcath … villata de Arcath … Correston et Prynnes Park … Balgyth … Bertramston …the Rath … Mananston … Myknanston … Newton … Curragh … Denanston … Moreton …Claghan … Prenston … Crown Survey 36
1540c |
Infra baroniam de Dulyck … Arcathe … Pat. Shanne de Rathe … Edm. Farrell de Westerkernes, Johan. Dodde de Esterkernes, Phil. Doggehed, Wm. Andrew de Bolys, Wm. Savage de Curraghe, Steph. Pepard de Magna Ryuerston, Thom. Tute de Parva Ryuerston, Math. Querke de Skatnathe, Walt. Connor de Kenock, Christ. Fytz Lenys, Henrici Byrne de Monanston, Johan. Halffpeny de Daveston … Crown Survey 197-8
1543-4 |
Ardcathe, Ardcath
License to Edward, bishop of Meath, to alienate, with consent
of his clergy ; to Philip Pentney, of Tauraghe, and Edmund
Felde, of Cossyngeston, gent. ; the manor of Ardcathe, county
Meath, lands, Ardcathe, Balgeithe, Portereston, Prensparke,
Clony, Irishton, Boynardiston, Corriston, Largwy alias Largay,
Prenston, Rowlston, Denanston, Moreton, and Bertrameston,
and elsewhere in the parish of Ardcath, and the mill of Kylberde.
… Roger Durran, rector of Ardmulghan …
the manors of Scurlokiston, Newton, Killeane, and Clonarde, county Meath, and all his lands in those parishes. To be held for ever.— FHen. 393
1545 |
Tauragh, Coussingeston,
the manor and lordship of Ardcathe, in the county of Meath, the
lands of Ardcath, Balgeith, Portereston, Prensparke, Clony, Irishton,
Boynardeston, Coruston, Largwy, otherwise, Largay, Prenston,
Rowleston, Denaneston, Moreton, and Bertrameston, in the parish of
Ardcath, and the water-mill of Kylberbe; and also to convey to
Thomas Stephens, of Dublin, merchant ; William Cockes, Rector of
Rathwere; Roger Dnrran, Rector of Ardmulghan; and Richard
Gray, of Drogheda, chaplain, the manor-s and lordships of Scurlock
eston, Neweton, Killeane, and Clonarde, in the county of Meath;
To hold for ever.-Jan. 14, 35°. CPCR 105 Petney (Licence for Edward, Bishop of Meath, to alienate to Philip
Pentney, of Tauragh, and Edward Felde, of Coussingeston, gent.,
the manor and lordship of Ardcathe, in the county of Meath, the
lands of Ardcath, Balgeith, Portereston, Prensparke, Clony, Irishton,
Boynardeston, Coruston, Largwy, otherwise, Largay, Prenston,
Rowleston, Den
1569 |
Arcath, Arcathe
Lease … to Francis Agarde, esq … the rectory of Arcath, extending to Arcathe, Correston,
Prynes parke, Balgith, Bartromston, Maycanston,
Claterston, Fynnor, Myllhill, Mycknanston, Newton, [Curraughe],
Denanston, Mooreton, Claughan, and Prynston ; the
F 1480
1579 |
Lease … to Edw. Moore, esq. ; of land by Carreston, in Plattin, and in Newton, co. Meath, 5s. chief rent, out of the lands of Rob. Plunket, knt, in Dromyn, the rectory of Dewleeke…Gilbeston appears as Gibbeston, and Perapache (as Ballypatch, the rectory of Kilkervan as in 1460), the tithes of Colpe, Newton, S. James, Stagrenan, Pilleston and Ballymade, Ballaugheston, and Paineston, parcels of the rectory of Colpe, the rectories of Morechurche, Stamollon, Clonalwey, Ardcathe, Tymole, Maceston, Dowthe, Rathkenny…the tithes of Porterston and little
Warrenston, Collester, Gormanston, Juddesland, Growton,
Warrenston, Whiteston, Rathbegan, in the said co., F 3564
1582 |
the manors of Lesmollyn and (Pardon to Edward Cusake)
1607 |
n—the rectory an tithes
of Ardcath, which extends within Ardcath, Correnstoune, Pr 'us
parke, Balgeth, Bertramston, Micknanston, Clatterstoune, yn
nore, Milhill, Mickunston, Newton, Curragh, Denhamstoune,
Mooretoune, Cloghane and Prinestoune— CPR 69.
1610 |
Arcath, Ardcath
cottages, a dove-house, and 15“ in Kinnawde in the parish of
Arcath; parcel of the estate of the church of Skriue; rent, 105 6“—
in Betranston or Bertranston, 4‘ arable meadow and pasture; an
old house and la in Bwynyanston in the parish of Ardcath; two
cottages, and 20a arable meadow and pasture in Ardcath; parcel
of the estate of the church of Ardcath; rent, Its—9 houses, 5 old
messuages, and 13 closes or crofts in Grenock, and 20‘ arable there,CPR 162
1611-2 |
Ardcath (Johne Bathe)
The town
and lands of the Rath; the tithes excepted; in Ardcath par. rent,
9‘ 10d.—' CPR lch.169.
1613-4 |
CPR lch.213.
1620 |
Ardcath (Gerrald Dillon)
Gerrald Dillon nup de Balgeeth…. Ballgeeth … Mananston … Mooleston … Haukenston … Ardcath … Golding de Pierston … Boynynston … Kinawde … Symonston … Corbittston … Ric’ Dillon de Prouteston … Rob’ Dillon de Dorranston … Symonston & Corbittston … Pat. Cusack de Rathaldron … Gerrald Dillon obit ....1619, Jac’ Dillon …ejus fil’ & her’. Inq.JI 44
1642 |
fol. 176r <br>
Audley Lloyd the wife of William Lloyd Vicarr of Ardcath in the County of Meath duely sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That her said husband since the beginninge of this present Rebellion hath beine expelled
Depositions MS 816, fols 176r-176v
1654 |
The Parish of Ardcath
1655-7 |
Archath Parrish
1655-7 |
1659 |
1667 |
34. JOHN GREYDON.—In Bryan’s Parke, 54 a…in Irishtowne, 64 a…Arcath, 49 A.—more in ye same, 31 a…in Princetowne, 17 a…Grainestowne 11a…more of same
same, 11 a…bar. Duleeke, co. Meath.—
ASE 135
1685c |
1738 |
Funucan, Edith, alias Perry, Newtown,
Ardcath, co. Meath, widow. Prerogrative Wills 185
1817 |
1836 |
Ard catha, Collis prælii
"In the townland of Ardcath there is an old church in ruins which was built by Hugo de-Lacy in the 12th Century and dedicated to the Virgin Mary whose day (8th of September) is celebrated here as the Patron day of the Parish. ... I am ... informed (but not by a good authority) that there is a well near it called Tobar Muire."
LSO (Mí) Leathanach: 163, Údar: TÓC
1836 |
Ard a Chatha "height on hill of the battle"
1836 |
Ard a' Chatha "Ardchatha Ardachath"
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