civil parish
civil parishelectoral division
genitive: Dhraighní
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1547 |
Dreynaghe (Rob. Roche)
Forth Bar. Leathanach: 79
1547 |
Forth Bar. Leathanach: 79
1558–9 |
Forth Bar. Leathanach: 82
1558–9 |
Forth Bar. Leathanach: 82
1558–9 |
Forth Bar. Leathanach: 82
1589 |
Drynagh (Thos. Roche)
Forth Bar. Leathanach: 82
1611 |
? Draynoghe (Thom. Roche) Ardcroman (Nich. Masterson) (lch. 1Dryna...Latimerstown, Roclosetown)
Cal. Carew Leathanach: 118, 119
1655 |
Hore Imleabhar: V, Leathanach: 315
1655–7 |
see BSD 71; Quit Rent 32
Hore Imleabhar: V, Leathanach: 315
1659 |
Cen. Leathanach: 533
1659 |
Cen. Leathanach: 533
1660c |
Drynagh (Rob. Roch)
BSD (LG) Imleabhar: (CS IX), Leathanach: 71 (299)
1663 |
Drinagh (Phil. Hoare)
Inq. Lag. Alt: 4 C II
1663 |
Drinagh (Rob. Roch)
Inq. Lag. Alt: 3 C II
1663 |
the commons of Drinagh
Inq. Lag. Alt: 4 C II
1663 |
see ASE 68; Hib. Del.
Inq. Lag. Alt: CII 3, 4
1666 |
the commons of Drinagh (Phil. Hore)
ASE Leathanach: 68
1680c |
A church dedicated to St. Kevin at Dreynogh
Forth Bar. Leathanach: 67
1685 |
1690c |
Drynagh (Christ. Borr)
Quit Rent (LG) Leathanach: 32a
1737 |
Drinagh (Lovett to Meadows)
CGn. Imleabhar: 89, Leathanach: 24, Uimhir: 61895
1737 |
CGn. Imleabhar: 89, Leathanach: 24, Uimhir: 61895
1840 |
BS:AL Imleabhar: I, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
BS:AL Imleabhar: I, Leathanach: 10
1840 |
CM:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
CM:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 10
1840 |
DS Map:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
Freeholders:AL (LG) Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
Freeholders:AL (LG) Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 10
1840 |
GJP:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
GJP:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 10
1840 |
Drinagh etc.
1840 |
Drinagh etc.
1840 |
Drinagh North
dúch dearg:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
Drinagh North alias Great House Division Townland
Rec. Name:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
Drinagh South
dúch dearg:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 10
1840 |
Drinagh South alias Church Division Townland
Rec. Name:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 10
1840 |
DS Ref.:AL Imleabhar: 1, Leathanach: 9
1840 |
1840 |
1840 |
1840 |
1840 |
1840 |
Drinagh is the name of countless townlands . . . It signifies "abounding in black thorn or sloe trees" . . . but it is not certain in this instance it may not be a corruption of Cill Draighnighe, the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the chuch of Cill Draighnighe in Idrone on the 18th of August. Nothing, however, can be gathered on the spot to prove or disprove this.
1840 |
Drinagh is the name of countless townlands . . . It signifies "abounding in black thorn or sloe trees" . . . but it is not certain in this instance it may not be a corruption of Cill Draighnighe, the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the chuch of Cill Draighnighe in Idrone on the 18th of August. Nothing, however, can be gathered on the spot to prove or disprove this.
1840 |
Drinagh is the name of countless townlands . . . It signifies "abounding in black thorn or sloe trees" . . . but it is not certain in this instance it may not be a corruption of Cill Draighnighe, the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the chuch of Cill Draighnighe in Idrone on the 18th of August. Nothing, however, can be gathered on the spot to prove or disprove this.
LSO (LG) Imleabhar: I, Leathanach: 373
1840 |
Drinagh is the name of countless townlands . . . It signifies "abounding in black thorn or sloe trees" . . . but it is not certain in this instance it may not be a corruption of Cill Draighnighe, the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the church of the virgin Drainecha, who was venerated at the chuch of Cill Draighnighe in Idrone on the 18th of August. Nothing, however, can be gathered on the spot to prove or disprove this.
1840 |
Drinagh North als. 11a. Church Divison Townland
1840 |
Drinagh South als. 11a. Church Divison Townland
1840 |
1840 |
Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.
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