An Tulach Uachtarach
genitive: na Tulaí Uachtaraí
Tulla Upper
52.9264, -8.65946latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
18ú haois |
BM Cat. Leathanach: I.70
c1300 |
Pap. Tax. Leathanach: 301
1300c |
Tulach na n-Easboc
CMT (Ó Cuív) Leathanach: 53, Leathanach: 1271
1314 |
ecclesia de Tulach
AIF Leathanach: 416
c1350 |
go Tulaig, i dTulaig ?
CThoir. Leathanach: 11
c1350 |
go Tulaigh na espoc
CThoir. Leathanach: 138
1574 |
Tullaghnenaspule (Bar.)
Carew Mss. Leathanach: 4.472
c1580 |
Vicar Tullaghe
TCD E.2.14
Co. an Chl. Leathanach: 97
c1580 |
The Barony of Tullaghnenaspule
Co. an Chl. Leathanach: 96
c1580 |
Tullaghenaspyll (Bar.)
TCD E.2.14
Co. an Chl. Leathanach: 97
1585 |
The Barony of Tullagh Naspill
CBC Leathanach: 7
1585 |
the Barronie of Tullaghenaspill
CBC Leathanach: 11, 12
1585 |
the Barony of tullaghnaspill
CBC Leathanach: 12
1585 |
the Barony of Tullaghinaspill
CBC Leathanach: 20, 23, 25, 28
1585 |
Tullae, the abby of tullae
CBC Leathanach: 12
1585 |
CBC Leathanach: 20
1585 |
the Barrony of Tullaghynsspill
CBC Leathanach: 25
1611 |
Inq. Leathanach: 1.113
1611 |
Par. de Tullaghenenaspill als Tullaghenaspuk
Inq. Leathanach: 1.114
1611 |
Par. de Tullaghnenaspoll
Inq. Leathanach: 1.115
1614 |
Tullaghennaspill otherwise Tullaghanaspick parish
CPR Leathanach: 263
1614 |
town of Tullenaspull or Tullaghennaspill or Tullaghenaspick
CPR Leathanach: 263
1615 |
RVis. (Kill.) Leathanach: 212, 213
1619 |
the barony of Tullagh
Inchiquin Leathanach: 325
1621 |
Tullagh bar.
CPR Leathanach: 493, 494
1621 |
paroch' de Tullagh
Inq. Leathanach: 1.145
1621 |
Tullagh bar.
Inq.(Cl) Imleabhar: 1, Imleabhar: 139, 140, 143
1622 |
the barony of Tullogh
CPR Leathanach: 526
1624 |
the Barrony of Tullaghnenastoull
Inq. Leathanach: 2.59
1624 |
the Barrony Tullagh(n)enespoll
Inq. Leathanach: 2.69
1624 |
in Barron' de Tullagh
Inq. Leathanach: 2.76
1631 |
Baronia de Tullagh
Inq.(Cl) Imleabhar: 2, Leathanach: 268
c1655 |
The Barony of Tullogh
(faoi bar. Bhun Raite)
1659 |
Tulla (Parish), Tullagh (Township)
Cen. Leathanach: 170
c1660 |
Tullogh, Tullagh, Tulla (Barony)
BSD Leathanach: 1-95
c1660 |
Parish of Tullogh
BSD Leathanach: 20-34
1667 |
bar. Tulloe
ASE Leathanach: 98.39
1667 |
bar. Tulla
ASE Leathanach: 116.47
1685 |
1685 |
1697 |
the barrony of Tullogh
Inchiquin Leathanach: 49
1780c |
na Tulaí (gin.) ?
Ó Míocháin Leathanach: 40
1787 |
1787 |
Tullogh P[aris]h, Tullo [=town]
1840 |
Please note: Some of the documentation from the archives of the Placenames Branch is available here. It indicates the range of research contributions undertaken by the Branch on this placename over the years. It may not constitute a complete record, and evidence may not be sequenced on the basis of validity. It is on this basis that this material is made available to the public.
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