civil parish
52.7558, -6.69569latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1200c |
Arduin, Confirmacio de A.
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 308
1200c |
Arthdoin, in ecclesiam de
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 308
1200c. |
Arthduin, castellum de A.
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 308
1200c |
Ardoin, ecclesiam de
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 366
1200c. |
Archdoin in Ofelmeth
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 366
1200c |
Arthdoin in Ofelemetht
Carta Willelmi de Burc
1200c |
Haydeyni, ecclesiam Sancti Eadmundi de
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 105
1200c |
Hayduni in Ofelmehet
Willelmus de Burc
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 105
1202 |
Ardoing, ecclesiam de
Reg. St. Thos. Leathanach: 224
1302-6 |
Pap. Tax. Leathanach: 251
1303 |
RBO Leathanach: 3
1518 |
Kildare Rent. Leathanach: 266
1570c |
Carew Mss. Leathanach: 635, 87
1839 |
BS:AL Leathanach: Ce 3, 35
1839 |
This part of the Barragh Parish has been made part of Ardoyne Parish by decision of Mr Griffith dated 7th june 1840 HT, Capt, R Engrs
1839 |
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