civil parishtownland
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1419 |
Patent Roll 6 Henry V <br>
By assent of the Lt and K.'s council in Ire., GRANT to Hugh Burgh esq. of custody of all messuages, lands and tenements, rents and services, with appurtenances, that belonged to Thomas Bathe in Tymele and elsewhere in co. Meath (Cal. ICR (
1421 |
Patent Roll 9 Henry V <br>
COMMISSION, by mainprize of John Topp' and Philip Walsh, to James White of Trim of custody of 1 messuage and 1 carucate of land that formerly belonged to Thomas Bathe in Tymole in the barony of Duleek; t (Cal. ICR (
1540-1 |
Nicholas Davy of ...
1540-1 |
(James Cusake)
1540c |
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester… Thome Corbally de Lounderston, Thome Tuyt de Ryverston, Wm. Tanglot de Deanston, Petri Shane de Rath, Ric. Clerke de Colpe, Phip. Butterly de Marynerton clerici… Nich. Davy de Tymole, Thom. Byrne de Rathallen, Johan. Wade de Racaston, Thom. Sarcefylde de Sarcefyldeston, Edm. Dalamare de Dulyke, Johannis Halpenny de Davydston, Johan. More de Newhagard… Crown Survey 27, 28
1540c |
Rectoria de Tymole <br>
Ecclesie parochialis de Tymole … in villatis de Tymole, Kyllanyston, Irysshton … Gallyston Crown Survey 37
1569 |
Lease … to Francis Agarde, esq … rectory of Tymole, extending to [Tymole], Kyllaymston, Irishton,
and Galleston; the rectory of Maceston, extending to Maceston,
Paynston, and Rogerston ; the rectory of Douth, extending to
Douth and [Partefurdeston] ;
F 1480
1629 |
Tymoule (Patrick [Dowdall])
, co. Meath,
gent. (Copy) Prerogrative Wills 141
1678 |
Timoale (James Caddel)
Caddel, James, Timoale, co. Meath, <Br> Prerogrative Wills 71.
1704 |
Timoole (Thomas [Boylan])
Thomas [Boylan], Timoole, barony
Skreen, co. Meath, farmer <br> Prerogrative Wills 48.
1836 |
Larkin (Mí):AL Leathanach: Mí109,6
1836 |
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí109,6
1836 |
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí109,6
1836 |
Inq. C I:AL Leathanach: Mí109,6
1836 |
Inq. H VIII (Archdall):AL Leathanach: Mí109,6
1836 |
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí109,6
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