civil parish
civil parish
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
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Historical references
1420 |
Patent Roll 7 Henry V <br>
GRANT, for service, to Richard Lokkey of 1 messuage and 80 acres of land that formerly belonged to Robert Cruce, outlaw, in Stahalmok, co. Meath; (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1424 |
Close Roll 2 Henry VI <br>
To John Founteyns esq., escheator of Ire.
It was found by inquisition taken in the time of Henry V before Henry Stanyhurst that one Robert Cruce of Stahalmok―who was lately seised as of the right of his wife of 1 messuage and 80 acres of land in Stahalmok, co. Meath― (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1540-1 |
[Priory or hospital of St. John near Kellys]Saynt Johns Rath, near ...
1566 |
S. John's Rathe by Stahalmok
<br>and at S. John's Rathe by Stahalmok, county Meath, <br> 13s. 4J. rent from Balf’s lands, in Corieston,
<br> 6*. 8cl. from Plunket's lands in Dromberagh, county Meath ; rectories of S. John's of Kelles, Dysserkeran, Stonehall, and Durvaghe,
<br> the lands of Ballenegrange, and Balnecley (written
over Kylmacaylle crossed out) county Westmeath, parcel of the
possessions of the late monastery, of B.Y.M., by Trym ; the site
of the house of friars of Loncurt, county Westmeath, with appurtenances.
To hold for 21 years, at a rent of .£14 10s. for the
possessions of the hospital of S. John, £3 8s. 6d, for Ballynegraungeand
1573-4 |
Pardon to ... Patr. Drake, of Stahalmock, and
George bane Drake, of same, horsemen, all in same co. F 2365
1575 |
Lease... to Tho.,
English earl of Ormond and Ossorie ; of messuages and land in the tenure of Rich. Dyllon and Wm. Cornell in Browniston, and the rectories of Browniston, Staffordiston, Stahulmock, and Dromcar, co.
Meath. F 2718
1578 |
Pardon to (Hugh O Reale, of Ballebrowise, co. Meath
footman, Donald M'Glacan, of Robartston, same co., Tirrelagh
M'Glacan), Wm. O Cowile, and Patr. O Kerrolan, of the same
footmen, (Dermot M'Kenale, of same, husbandman), Gel[ese]
M'Negawne, of Deirwey, same co., husbandman, (James Fitz
Johns, of Casteltowne, horseboy, Rob. Drake, of same, John
Drake, of Stahalmoke, same co., and Henry Drake, of Castelton,
gentlemen). The names in parenthesis struck out.
F 3374 (2003.)
1642 |
Stahalmuck (James ff [ ] of...)
fol. 184r
Dennis Kelly Late of Castletowne Ki{patrick in the County} … at kilpatrick … by James ffitz=Jones of Painstowne … Lawrence Nettervill of Castletowne kilpatrick … Oliuer fflemming of {Sh}agagh …
Patr: ffleming of Stevenst{ } <B> William Veldon of knogh, Tho: Veldon of Raphin James ff{itz}{ } of Stahalmuck, Gar{ret}t ffleming of the Yellow [L]eas, James ffleming of Siddan … Robert Plunckett of Porcetstowne, & his sonns, Patrick Cruice of the Brittas, John Tallon of ffletcherstowne G{eo}rge Begg of the same, & Garrett Tallon of Cruicestowne <br>
Depositions MS 816, fols 184r-184v
1654 |
Stahalmocke with its Hamletts in the parish of Kilbeg
James Fleming of Stahalmocke, St Thomas Newgent, Patrick Hussey of Galtrym & Walter Drake of [ ], Irish Papists. <br>
Bounded on the East with Drakerath, on the West with …Kilbeg, on the North with …Thomastowne, & on the South with the St Johnsrath & Castletowne the Moore. <br>
Ar Ruinous Castle & church, a stone house with out houses, a Lymestone quarry, many Cabbins. CS V 310
1655-7 |
1655-7 |
James Fleming, Sr. Thomas Nugent, Patrick Hussey of Gualtrim & Walter Drake Ir. Papt:
1660c |
James ffleming, Sr. Tho. Nugent, Patr. Hussey & Walter Drake, Ir. pa. 90.
1667 |
6. CoL DANIEL REDMOND, exec' to Arthur Bell esq.,
of Kilkenny.- 1,, Stahalmock, 322 a…
St. John’s-Rath 75a…Mullaghmore and Clogher…to hold these durinS r life of James, father to John Fleming, only.—Drakerath, 333 a…Castletownemoore, 122 a…Ardlonan, 203 a…Dryshock, 21 a… Reske, 50 a…
Emlagh, 25 a…out of Oristowne or
Tristowne, 60 a…bar. Kells, co. Meath. —to
hold to ye uses of ye last will of said Bell, 20th May 1658 —
rf- S - PHIL' HAKEIS „„d THO- MASIN SMALL widow—Thomastowne, 130 a. 2 r. 21. 12s.
lOJd.—Marnelstowne, 84 a. 2r. 1/. 14s. 2Jd. for the life of
James Fleming—to Harris for ever—Stahalmock (part), 18 a.
3 R. Is. 1 id. — to Small, for James Fleming’s life; same bar.
and co Date 6th Dec. \9th year—Inrolled 1th Jan. 1667 ASE 130
1678 |
28 JAS FLEMING of Stahalmock, co. Meath, esq
Stahalmock (part), 260 a….Mulloghmore, Clogher
and Rathglume, 153 a…St. John’s Rath, 75 a…Thomastowne, 130 a. Allcoggsland in Killbegg, 40 a.; bar. Kells, co. Meath.
a mortgage or rentcharge
in fee of 16/. a year, issuing out of Possixtowne, containing
454 a. (untill 160/. shall be paid); bar. Kells
ASE 158
1690 |
1690 Joh’ Flemming Mil… fuit in actual’ rebellion contra Rege & Regin’… Stahalmuck, Mullaghmore, Clogher & Rathglin, St. John’s rath, Thomastowne, Alcog’s land in Killbegg, [ ]thoe & little Rath, & Killbeg… vocat’ Be[]land… Inq. Gul. & Mar. 1.
1744 |
Staholmuck (Michael [Fleming])
Michael [Fleming], Staholmuck, co.Meath, <br> Prerogrative Wills 173
1836 |
Brownrig Map:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
GJP:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9, Nóta: (1829)
1836 |
Inq. C I:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Inq. G. & M.:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Sleator Civil & Eccles. T:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Bar. Cons. (Tevlin):AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
GJP:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9, Nóta: (1830)
1836 |
Taylor & Skinner Map:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Co. Abstract 1827:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Monument in Cruicetown Gr Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Dunn, J.:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
dúch dearg:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
GJP:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9, Nóta: (1828)
1836 |
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Larkin (Mí):AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
Stat. Survey 1802:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
HCER 1826:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
1836 |
BS:AL Leathanach: Mí040,9
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