civil parish
Baile Chearráin
genitive: Bhaile Chearráin
civil parish
53.6742, -6.40535latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1407 |
Patent Roll 8 Henry IV <br>
PARDON to Christopher Preston of all intrusions [etc.] in the manors of Ballymadan; Kells in Ossory; Kilkarghy; one third of the manor of Nobber; one quarter of the manors of Naas and Kells in Meath; 7 carucates of land in Gormanston; 1 messuage and 3 carucates in le Ryne, Fingallston, Bolandeston, Tankardston, Gaffney and Keranston. (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1461-83 |
William Davy de drogheda ... en Knokeuryke iuxte Slane ... litildardiestoñ iuxte le Nall ... en Kerranestoñ oue lez apprtenantz iuxte dyueleke ... en dovanestoñ ... en dyveleke ... Turbivile ...en lez Maudelyns vien pres Trym ... en lercorre ... prise a Trym̃ en le Guylhall ... davy leynagh Chaplain irroys ... de lez Oleynaghes vileyne ... John Omony Chaplain irrois ... de lez Omonyes vileyne ... SRI Edw. IV 414-6
1540-1 |
(Thos. Cusake)
1540c |
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester…campo vocato…Caranston… villata de Dulyke…Mawdelyn Medowe….Henrico Deane… rivulum ibidem vocatum the Nany… Nicholas Fulley….Brianus Martyn…. Wm. Brode… Phipipus Hedyan… Georgius Goldborne…. Boll Brygge…Nich. Colgan… Callons House quod Georgius Golborne… Thomas Laghlyn tenet … the Yard… the Colnerhouse Parke…. Sinnterin ex parte boriali ecclesie parochialis … quod Feraldus Kegan…pccupat… de eodem gardin baroni de Slane… Crown Survey 27, 30
1540c |
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester…Rectoria ecclesie parochialis de Duleke… <br>
Villata de Platen Caleston…Carenston, Gafney, Beamond, Jyltons, Bedleston, Angelston, Kernes, Lonnderston, Johnston, Skaternaggh, Cussyngston, Magna Ryverston, Parva Ryverston, Bolyes, Kenok, the Denys, Athcarne, Gallyston, Malaghsene, Kellyston et Parapach, Drommyn, Rathyll, Gellynston, Garblagh, Gasconston, Bowanson, Corbally, Longford, Newton, Balferne, Knokkyllan, Londerston et Kenok
Crown Survey 27, 32, 33
1569 |
Lease … to Francis Agard, esq.; of a chief messuage and land in Carrickrogg, county Meath, land in Arberbushe, Langanan, the Westparke, land on the north of the same, land on the north of the common green of
Dulyeke, Castlecolke, Cowparke, another pasture there, the
parke meadow, by the site of the manor of Dulyke, the Bowglasse,
Smyth's meadow, a close on the south side of the town of Longford,
land on the east of Newton, land on the south of Caranston,
the Maudlvn meadow in Dulvcke, cottages and gardens there
occupied by William Brode, Philip Hedian, Patrick Pouncerall,
and George Golborne, a garden there by Ponticull, called the F 1458
1569 |
Carreston, Carenston
Lease … to Francis Agarde, esq.; of land by Horrock and Woodwye, land by Carreston, in Platyn, and in Newton, co. Meath, 5s. chief rent, out of
the lands of Robert Plunket, knt., in Dromyn, a moiety of
Rathallen, the rectory of Dulicke, extending to Dulicke,
Platten, Calleston, Carenston, half of Gafney, Beamond, both
villages of Hilton, Bedelston, Angelston, both villages of Kernes,
Lounderston, Johnston, Scaternaghe, Cusshington, great Riverston,
little Riverston, both towns of Bolles, Kenaugh, Dennys,
Athekerne, Galestowne, Malaughefen, Gilbeston, Perapache,
Dromyn, Rathyll, Gillingston, Carblaughe, Gasconstone, Dowanston,
Corbally, Longford, Newton, Balserne, Knockillan … F 1480
1590 |
License to William Bath, of Athcarne, second justice
English, of the Common Pleas, assignee of John Parker, esq. : to alienate to any, being English by both parents, the site of the priory of Duleeke, Arborbussh, Langanan, Westerparke, the common green of Duleeke, Castelcott, the Cowepark, a culverhouse, Boglas, the Smythes meadow, pasture by the town of Longford, land on the east of the Neweton, and on the south of Caranston, cottages and land in Duleke, the College yard, the Culverhouse park, land on the north of the church of Duleke, the Foxe parks, a field full of ashes 32 years growing, Atkins acre, pasture on the south of Smyth's meadow, in Duleke, and the Maudlyn meadow in Duleke, parcel of the possessions of the priory of Lanthony in England, F 5422
1669 |
6. JENICO Lord Viscount GORMANSTON. —The Meath.
castle, manor, town, and lands of Gormanstowne, with a mill. — Carranstowne, Richardstowne, Boltray with a mill, and Logdoory with a mill, 426a.—Balloy, 270a.—Stamullin, 134a…ix shillings yearly out of Caddell's land in Stamullin.—Ballostran, 60 a…Saddlestowne (part), 45 a…Laciestowne (part), 30 a.—Cloghan (part), 68 a…Moolestowne, 29 a…Courts leet and baron, in the manor of Gormanston ; bar. Duleek ASE 208
1703 |
19. ABEL RAM of Dublin, esq., 24lh March 1702…Part of Carranstowne, 25 A. 1 n.
—part of Duleeke, with three cabbins and seven gardens,
71 a…full benefit of commonage on all the commons; bar. Duleeke, co. Meath.—the estate of Christopher Lord Slane attainted, which had been granted
to Godart Earl of Athlone, and by his Lordship, by deeds of
lease and release, dated 21st and 22d June 1698…conveyed to the said Abel Ram. Inrolled…July 1703. Forf. Est. 367
1836 |
BS:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
Co. Map 1812:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
TAB Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
Greate & Little Corranstowne
DS Ref.:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
DS Map:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
Carronston; Carranston
Archdall (King):AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
Baile Chearran
OC:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
a family
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
Baile chearran
pl:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
pl:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
1836 |
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí036,4
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