civil parish
civil parish
53.687, -6.38305latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1381 |
Close Roll 5 Richard II <br>
..To the escheator of Ire … ORDER to restore the abbot of the house of St Mary of Fourneys to the possession of a carucate of land in Platyn, co. Meath. (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1385 |
Patent Roll 9 Richard II <br>
COMMISSION, by mainprize of Walter Eure and Thomas Neweton, to John Asschewell of Drogheda of custody of a carucate of land in Platyn, co. Meath (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1415 |
Patent Roll 3 Henry V <br>
PARDON to William, son and heir of John Darcy, of all manner of intrusions, abatements [etc.] in and of the manors of Matry and Platyn, co. Meath, (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1482c |
1540-1 |
Wm. Darcy...esq
1540c |
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester…Dulyk…Wm. Darcy de Platen… Nich. Ewstas de Dulyke, gent, Nich. Corbally clerici …de Dulyke, Thome Hamelyn de Smetheston, gent, Wm. Byrt de Tolloge gent, Briani Byrne de Stamoly, gent, Edw. Sherley vicarii…de Ardcath, Johan. Browne de Dulyke, Nich. Fowlen de eadem, Thome Corbally de Lounderston, Thome Tuyt de Ryverston, Wm. Tanglot de Deanston, Petri Shane de Rath, Ric. Clerke de Colpe, Phip. Butterly de Marynerton clerici… Nich. Davy de Tymole, Thom. Byrne de Rathallen, Johan. Wade de Racaston, Thom. Sarcefylde de Sarcefyldeston, Edm. Dalamare de Dulyke, Johannis Halpenny de Davydston, Johan. More de Newhagard… Crown Survey 27, 28
1540c |
Poss…Monasterium Sancti Nich…iuxta Excester…Foxe Parkes que Ricardus Brode…
Acra prati vocata Atkyns acre
The Smythes Medowe…
Newton…in villata de Newton…iuxta the Hore Roke et Woodkye….
Et iuxta villatam de Carreston… quat Ricardus Byssett
Et iuxta villatam de Platen…Wm. Darcy.
Loghyr…Et in villata de Logher…Que omnia Wm. Johannis tenet…
Dromon… Et in villata de Dromon…de terries et tenementis Roberti Plonket militis… Crown Survey 27, 31
1547 |
CPCR (Morrin) 157 Darcy (8. Grant for a fine of £72, to Sir Richard Rede, Chancellor, of
the custody, wardship, and marriage of George Darcy, son and heir
of William Darcy, late of Platen, deceased—May 14, 2°).
1547 |
Platene, Platen
Lassmolen, Kylcarne, Gariston, Cossingeston, Skryne, Taneraghe, Platene, Lassmolen, Platen, aan CPCR (Morrin) 163 Cusake (7 3. Pardon of Sir Thomas Cusake, of Lassmolen, in the county
of Meath, knight ; Walter Cusake. of Kylcarne, gentleman ; Richard
Duff, vicar of Gariston ; David Walshe, chaplain ; Edmond Felde,
of Cossingeston, Patrick Clynche, of Skryne, Philip Penteney, of
Taneraghe, Edmond Darcye, of Platene, Nicholas Folde, of Lass
m'olen, Thomas Darcye, of Platen, and Richard Forster, of Sauntrof, gentleman.-Mar. IO, 2°.)
1552 |
Little Grange
Plattene CPCR (Morrin) 278 Kervane
93. Pardon of Thomas Kervane, of Little Grange; Rory O’Knowell, of the same; Rickirde Tirrel; M‘William Tirrel; Connor
M‘Shanneley, of Kerenston ; Nicholas Tirrel, of the same,- and
Henry Sarsffelde, of Plattene.—Oct. 20, 6°.
1560 |
(Lanceolot Alforde, Chris. Darcy)
1561 |
(Christopher Darcy, son and heir of George Darcy, late of …)
1569 |
Platyn, Platten
Lease … to Francis Agarde, esq.; of land by Horrock and Woodwye, land by Carreston, in Platyn, and in Newton, co. Meath, 5s. chief rent, out of
the lands of Robert Plunket, knt., in Dromyn, a moiety of
Rathallen, the rectory of Dulicke, extending to Dulicke,
Platten, Calleston, Carenston, half of Gafney, Beamond, both
villages of Hilton, Bedelston, Angelston, both villages of Kernes,
Lounderston, Johnston, Scaternaghe, Cusshington, great Riverston,
little Riverston, both towns of Bolles, Kenaugh, Dennys,
Athekerne, Galestowne, Malaughefen, Gilbeston, Perapache,
Dromyn, Rathyll, Gillingston, Carblaughe, Gasconstone, Dowanston,
Corbally, Longford, Newton, Balserne, Knockillan … F 1480
1571 |
Commission to Patrick Bathe, of Rathfeigh, esq.,
» sheriff of Meathe, or other sheriff for the time being, Christopher Darcy, of Platton, John Plunkett, of Loghcrewe, Christopher Plunkett, of Carlanston, Michael Delahyde, of Ballentre, Thomas Darcy, of Logher, Arthur Brereton, of Kyllean, and Roger Wafre, of the Navon, same co., gentlemen; to exeente martial
law in the county Meathe, F 1835
1578 |
1578 Pardon to ... Tirelagh Halfepeny. of Julyanston... John Halfepeny, of Newton...John Halfepeny, of Tancardeston, co. Month, kerns..., Patr. Brady, of Drakeston, same co., cottier... John Clynton, of Platten, same co.. Tho. Brenan of Kilbrid, same co. and Rich. Terrell, of Tuiteston, same co., gentlemen. F 3430
1581 |
Grant (under commission, 15 July, xxii.) to Wm.
Fleminge, of Lougher, co. Meath, gent. ; of the wardship and
marriage of George, son and heir of Christopher Darcie, late of
Platten, co. Meath. F 3761
1582 |
(Patrick Rous)
(William Darcy, second son of Christopher
1598 |
It hath many Statelie Castles…
<br> Arbracan to the Bishop of Meath,
Cutmollen, Dullerston, Gillranston,
<br> Gormanston to the Viscount thereof, Colpe, Murmudeye,<br>
Platten to Mr Darsey [Darcey], Dunmore, Beste, Castle lamerby, Crinton, Moyvally, Bective, Celcarne
Descript. Ir. 92.
1598 |
(Gluais) <br>
Duleeke — L. of Gormanstown, L. of Trimletstown, Justice Bath of Athcarne, Rich. Caddell of the Naul, Rob. Caddell of Herbertstown, Jn. Dracott of Normanton, Geo. Darcy of Platten, Rob. Preston of Rogerstown, Talbot of Dardistowne, Rich. Bellame of Donakernie, Rich. Stanley of , Ed. Tallon 'of the same,' R d Aylmer of Dollardstown, Lawr. Tafe of Ardmolchan
Descript. Ir. 93
1598 |
Darcy of Plattin
Moore of Uskerower
Moore of Mooreston
Black of Athboy
Tallon of Wilkinston
Gerald of the Rath
Map of Mapston
Map of Maprath Descr. Ir. 101
1599 |
Platten (Christophe Darcie, of ...)
58. Demise whereby Christopher Darcie, of Platten, in the county of Meath, granted and conveyed to Edmond Darcie the towns and lands of Balreiske, by the Novane and Halton, in the parish of Churchtowne, by Ratayne ; … the mill of Stidalte. “ And I, the said Christopher … Christopher all such interest and years as he had by the demise of his mother, Dame Jennett Tute, upon Stidalte, Kilbreckston, the Resting Place, and White Leeys …1576. CPCR (Morrin II) 535
1600 |
Pardon to Wm. Darcye, of Platten, gent… Patr. M'Kavill, of Platten, horsekeeper…Shane Cahell, of Galtrim, husbandman, Margaret Brackan, widow, Walter Doyne, of same, cottier, Owen m’Neile m’Donogh
M‘Conill, of Raheston, yeoman, Wm. Darcy fitz James, of Clondaly,
co. Meath, gent., Tho. Darcye fitz Walter, of Ratin, co.
Westmeath, gent…Provisions as in 6374. Excepting from pardon the murder of Cecily Fagan alias Darcy, wife of the late George Darcy, of Platten, esq.,
whereof the said William was suspected F 6397
1602 |
Pardon to Win, Darcye, of Platten, co. Meath, gent. F 6650
1602 |
Grant to Edw. Fitz Gerald, knt. ; of the wardship and
marriage of Christopher, son and heir of George Darcie, late of
Platten, co. Meath, esq., and custody of his lands. F 6692
1602 |
Platten (George Darcy, late of ...)
Grant of the custody of the farm, wardship, and marriage, of Christopher, son of George Darcy, late of Platten, in the county of Meath, to Sir Edward FitzGerald. CPCR (Morrin II) 599
1642 |
fol. 1r
Jhon Talbott of Robertstowne sworne & examined
sayeth that He hath a brother one James Talbott a preest about e the Age of fiue & thirtie yeers whoe hathe liued beyond seas vs aboute twentie yeeres & has his residence at Anwerpe which brother of his did aboute in July last arriue heer at Dublin and bestowed his tyme partlie in this Cittie and partlie at Clyntarfe Rathcredan plattin at Mr Nicholas Plunketts the lawyers & at Gormanstowne & that in Christmas Holly dayes he the said preest came from Gormanstowne vnto the Examinats Howse of Robertstown{e} where he remayned one nighte & noe more & tooke thence with him a servant of the examinats to wayte on him vnto Rathecredan & accordinglie returned from Rathecredan the Examinats servant & as the examinant vnderstood his sayd brother went from Rathcredan vnto Sir Robert Talbotts in Emayle & from thence vnto Wexford. The Examinatt alsoe saythe that aboute Shrouetyde He & all the Gentlemen of the Barrony of Ratowthe were summ
1666 |
ROBERT MAUD esq—…in Duleeke, Meath.
15 a…in Calestowne, 53 a. 1 r.— this during the
life of Nic' Darcy the elder, of Platten, esq.
in Beamond, 58 a…bar. Duleeke, co. Meath.—
ASE 71
1680 |
Arthur Earl of Anglesey [Arthur Annesley] Platten,
712 a…Great Stamyme, 120 a… Little Stamyne, 40 a…Newtowne,
63 a…Killcarnan, 70 a…Shallon, 240 a…Cruftye or Grofty, 97 a…Calliaghstowne, 124a…Gaffney, 55 a….Annagor, 115 a… Newhaggard, 121 a… Rogerstowne,
300 a…Little Donacarny, 130 a…in Beamount…in Colpe, 264 a…bar. Duleek, co. Meath.—
ASE 81
1680 |
Arthur Earl of Anglesey [Arthur Annesley] Platten,
712 a…Great Stamyme, 120 a… Little Stamyne, 40 a…Newtowne,
63 a…Killcarnan, 70 a…Shallon, 240 a…Cruftye or Grofty, 97 a…Calliaghstowne, 124a…Gaffney, 55 a….Annagor, 115 a… Newhaggard, 121 a… Rogerstowne,
300 a…Little Donacarny, 130 a…in Beamount…in Colpe, 264 a…bar. Duleek, co. Meath.—
ASE 81
1700c |
as Plattín
RIA 23 E 18 67
1703 |
STEPHEN LUDLOW of Dublin, esq., 12th June
1703…The manor, castle, town, and lands of Lisdornan alias Listernan, 468 a…bar.Duleeke, co. Meath. — the estate of Nicholas Darcy of Platten, and Richard Fegan of Feltrim, esqrs., both deceased
and attainted, or one of them Forf. Est. 355
1703 |
John Asgill, of Dublin…Plattin, 795 a…bar. Duleek…the estate of Nicholas Darcy,
Attainted… Forf. Est. 364
1748 |
Plattan (Wm. [Graham])
William [Graham], Plattan, co. Meath. <br> Prerogrative Wills 201
1794 |
Platin (Graves [Chamney])
Graves [Chamney], Platin, co. Meath, esq. <br> Prerogrative Wills 84
1836 |
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
TAB Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
BS:AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
Co. Map 1812:AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
Cross of Plattan
HCER 1826:AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
OD (corr.):AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
Archdall (King):AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
Platten near Newtown
Archdall (King):AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
Platon; Platten
Inq. H VIII (Archdall):AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
OC:AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
a small platea or green
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
1836 |
pl:AL Leathanach: Mí036,2
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