civil parish
Knockersally or Colehill
civil parish
53.4154, -7.10307latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1537 |
Mon. Hib. Leathanach: 515
1540 |
Ir. Mon. Poss. Leathanach: 312
1541 |
1541 Grant to William Bermyngham, knight, and the heirs male
of his body ; of the dignity of baron of Carbrie ; also the site of
the monastery of Ballybogan, county Meath ; the site of the
abbey of Clonard, county Meath ; lands of Ballybogan, Henrieston
alias Balnekyll, Knockangowle, Kylnedoboraghe, Kylloskilling,
Ballokestie, Cardonston, Clonard, Kylclashe, Ballinlug,
Ballyensagha. Kilreney, Kiltaleyn, and Toboyne, and the tithes
of Toboyn. FHen. 197
F Leathanach: 197
1541-42 |
and the late abbey of Clonarde, with all the messuages adjacent;
and of all the manors, lands and liberties of Ballybogan, Henriyston,
otherwise Balynakill, Knockangowle, Kyllnedoboriayghe, Kylloskny,
Balokestie, Cardonyston, Clonarde, Igyllglashe, Balynlug, Bally
nisagha, Kylerieny, Kylcalleyn, and Teboyne,in the county of Meath,
CPCR 85 (Morrin) Bermingham (Grant to Sir William Bermingham, and the heirs male of his
body, of the title and dignity of Baron of Carbrie, in the county
of Kildare; with a grant of the site of the late priory of Balibogan,
and the late abbey of Clonarde, with all the messuages adjacent;
and of all the manors, lands and liberties…
belonging to the said monasteries ,' To hold to the said Earl and the
heirs male of his body by knight service, that is to say, by a third
part of one knight’s fee. Rent by the name of one-twentieth part,
£4 38. 4d.—Ju-ne 17, 33°) William
1547 |
Kyllglas, in the county of Meath, with certain customs, duties,
and ploughdays 3 Ballinemalaghe, the manor of Ballybogan, in the
county of Meath ; Harrieston, Knockawole, Kylloskillan, and Killadobraghe, the manor of Clonard, in the county of Meath ; Kyltellan,
Toboyen, in the county of Meath; CPCR (Morrin) 171 Brimingham(roo. Pleas held at Dublin in Michaelmas term, 2° Edward VI., reciting an inquisition taken at Lexlepe, in the county of Kildare, on
Thursday, 2° Edward VI,, before James Fitzgerald, Eschaetor, by
virtue of a writ “de diem clausit extrcmum,” by which it was
found that Sir William Brimingham, late Baron of Carbry, died
seized in his demesne, as of fee tail, of the lands of Koyllybal—
lylugge, Ballynafaghe, Cornemocloghe, and Kylrane, parcel of the
possessions of the late monastery of Clonard, in the county of Kil
dare, Kyllglas, in the county of Meath, with certain customs, duties,
and ploughdays 3 Ballinemalaghe, the manor of Ballybogan, in the
county of Me
1587-8 |
1587-8 Lease to Henry Duke, of Castleyordane, co. Meath, gent. of the rectories of Ballibogan and Castleyoirdan, co.
Meath… and the tithes arising from the lands
of Ballibogan, Hariestone, Killeskellinge, Knockeawoerde, Kilyne
Doboraghe, Balliskistie, Cardistone, Castleyoirdane, Ballenebrockill, Ballebochepe, Killodadorie, Doyne, Loughtone, the
moiety of Ballyowan, Castlewarnaghe, Moilehoughe, Loughlakinge,
Tibberdaloghe, Kilbryd, Grenckedaghe, Ballicorbitt,
Tomastone, Dowyn, Clonam, Killimaghe, Kilbride, Corrowgon,
Killene, and Clonemore, spiritual possessions of the late monastery of Ballibogan. To hold for 21 years. F 5157
F Leathanach: 5157
1596-7 |
F Leathanach: 6031
1596-7 |
Lease…to Edw. Loftus, of Rathfarnam, co. Dublin, and capt. Rich. Gifford, of Ballimagarrett, co. Roscommon, gentleman ; of the rectories of Ballibogan and Castlejordan, co. Meath, Killederie, King's co.,
Kilbride, co. Westmeath, and Krenokedagh in Offalie, and all
tithes of Ballibogan, Harreston, Killeskellinge, Knockeaword,
Ivyline Doboraghe, Ballyskistie, Cardistowne, Castlejordan,
Ballynebrockell, Ballypochepe, Killadadorie, Doyne, Loughton,
the moiety of Ballyowan, Castlewarnaghe, Moilchoughe, Loughlakinge, Tibberdalaghe, Kilbride, Grenckedagh, Ballycorbitt, Tomaston, Dowyn, Clonam, Killimagh, Kilbride, Carrowgon, Killene, and Clonemore. To hold for 21 years. Ptent £20, F 6031
1597 |
Lease to Edward Loftus of Rathfarnham, and Richard Gifford of Ballimagerrott, in the county of Roscommon, of the rectories or parsonages of Ballibogan and Castlejordan … the town and hamlets of Ballibogan, Harieston, Killeskellynge, Knockeaworde, Kiline, Doboraghe, Ballikistie, Cardistowne, Castlejordan, Ballinebrockell, Ballipochepe, Killadorie, Doyne, Loughton, the moiety of Balliowan, Castlewarnaghe, Moilchoughe, Loughlackinge, Tibberdalagh, Kilbride, Grenekedagh, Ballicorbit,Thomaston,Dowynclonam, Killunagh, Kilbride, Carrowgon, Killene, and Clonemore, with all their appurtenances, all which were parcel of the late monastery of Ballibogan CPCR (Morrin II) 428
1599 |
Knockingwodd alias Knockanegole
F Leathanach: 6327
1599 |
Knockingwood als. Knokanegole...Knockingwood
Grant …to Edw. Fitzgerald, of Tecroghan, knt., son of George Fitzgerald, slain in the queen's service by the rebels ; of the reversion of the
priory of Ballibogan, and the lands of Ballibogan, Parke,
Harieston alias Henrieston, Knockingwodd alias Knockanegole,
Killoskillin, and Killinclonaghe, co. Meath, possessions and
demesne lands of the monastery… grant, (Fiant 197, Henry VIII.) in tail male, of Ballibogan to
Wm. Bermingham, knt., who dying without issue male, left his widow, Anna Bermingham alias Plnncket, seised of one third in dower ; a lease to John Payne, (Fiant 647 Edw. VI)… and the castle of Kinagad, co. Westmeath, and of the monastery
of Ballebogan, and of the lands of Ballibogan, Henrieston, Knockingwodd, Killnodoberaghe, Killoskillinge, Balloskistie, and Cardiston ; in tail male.
F 6327
1610 |
Grant…to Francis Rushe…privy councillor—The entire rectories of Ballibougan, and Castlejordan…the rectory of Killedery (King’s County)… WM. …Ballibougan, Harreston, Killeskellinge, Knockeaworde, Killine, Davoragh, Balliskislie, Cardistowne, Castle-Jordan, Ballinebrockell, Ballipochepe, Killadorory, Doyne, Loughton, half of Ballyowen, Castlewarnagh, Moilcoughe, Loughlakinge, Tubberdallagh, Kilbride, Greuckedagh, Ballicorbit, Thomase, Dowin, Clonan, Killunagh, Kilbride, Carrowgan, Killene, Clonemore… late monastery of Ballibogan CPR 302
1625 |
Knockenegood al. Knockenegoole
Inq. Lag. Leathanach: 6 Car. I
1653 |
fol. 327r <br> The examinacion of Owin McGuyre nigh Castle Jordan
deposeth that Elyn ni Kelwey an vnmarried woeman in Castle Jordan some yeares past (but the year certayne he doth not know) did bear a child vnto one Tirlogh o Doran a married woemans husband, … for which fact the said Elyn was burnt at Knockinagoly by the order & directions of Capt George Cusacke then Governor of Tecroghan,
Depositions MS 816, fols 327r-
1654-5 |
CS V Leathanach: 189
1654 |
knocinagole (James Mulree of ...); Knockinwoly
fol. 327v <br> James Mulree of knocinagole Cottier …
castle Jordan … Tirlogh ô Doran … Elyn brought to Knockinwoly aforesaid, … Marshall [ Pfeirce ] Peirce Newgent of Baltigere
Depositions MS 816, fols 327v-
1654 |
knockinagooly, knockinagoly, knocknagooly
fol. 328v <br>
The examinacion of Connor Mallone of Castle Jordan Cottyer …
Elyn ni Gilwey then living at Castle Jordan, & vnmarried, had a child by one Tirlogh ô Doran … the said woeman was burnt at knockinagooly … knockinagoly … Castle Jordan vpon the orders & directions of Capt George Cusacke, who then was Governor of Tecroghan … knocknagooly,
Depositions MS 816, fols 328v-
1654 |
fol. 329r
The Examinacion of Bryan Collgan of Castletowne …
Ellin McGilluoy, as he beleeueth was soe called, in Castle Jordan, which woeman was sent for by Captain George Cusacke then Gouernor of Tecrochan, … the Towne of KnockaneGivolly neere Tecrochan … Pierce Nugent of Balltigiery then marshiall of those partes,
Depositions MS 816, fols 329r-329v
1654 |
Knockan a gually
fol. 330r <br>
… The aforesaid William Troy being duely Sworne and Examined Sayth that
That Bryan Colgan then Captain of traine bands in Tecrochane, with one Pierce Nugent of Balltigyery … Castlejordan … apprehended one Ellin McKilluoy & caryed her away with thim to Knockan a gually within A mile to Tecrochan & there tyed her to a stacke and burned her to
Depositions MS 816, fols 330r-330v
1654 |
fol. 333v <br>
… Peirce Lynagh taken by of Castle Jordan …
a woeman sirnamed ni gilwey … Tirlogh o Doran, & by whome she had two children by report of the Country … Rochford a Tanner in Castle Jordan <br>
fol. 334r <br>
…Captayne George Cusacke beeing then Governor of Techroghan came vnto Castle Jordan … Knockanagoole <br>
fol. 334v <br>
Pierce Leynagh Depositions MS 816, fols 333v-334v
1655 |
1659 |
1812 (1817) |
Knockersolly, Colehill
1828 |
1836 |
or Colehill
Par. Applot. 1831:AL Leathanach: Mí009,7
1836 |
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí009,7
1836 |
Colehill is the prevalent
pl:AL Leathanach: Mí009,7
1836 |
Cnocán sallach, 'dirty hillock'
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí009,7
1836 |
Coll-choill, 'hazel-wood'
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí009,7
1836 |
Knocersally or Colehill
pl:AL Leathanach: Mí009,7
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