civil parish
civil parish
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1540c |
Rectoria de Kylcowley <br>
In villata de Kylcowley … villata de Ardcreagh … villata de Donkenny … Fernokkeffeld … Lytellrath Crown Survey 43
1545 |
the Rathe
Lease to John Pluncket of Donsoghly, gent. ; of the
hospital of St. John the Baptist of Neweton by Trym ; lands,
Newton and the Rathe, Longwodde alias Moderve, Balreyne,
Warenston, Aghir, a cart shed in Trym, Saint Johniston, Litle
Moreton, Corraghton, Richardiston, Nynche, Moyaghir by Kenlys,
and Cloneguffin ; rectories of Tollonoge and Fynnor, county
Meath. FHen. 467
1566 |
the Rathe
Lease …to Thomas Plunket, gent.; of the site of the hospital of S. John, of the Newton by Trym, the demesne lands in the Newton and the
Rathe, a water mill on the Blackwater, and land in Clonguffyn,
the lands of Longewood alias Moydervy, Ballereyne, and Warrenston
in the parish of Knocmark, Agher in the same parish,
S. Johnstowne, Littell Mooreton, Moyaughay, Coraghton,
Richardston, Inche, and Moygher by Kelles, county Meath, the
rectories of Tullanoge and Fennore, possessions of the said
hospital ; the tithe corn of both the Loughgowres and Flemingeton, county Meath, possessions of the late monastery of Thomascort,
and the lands of Kyltalle, county Meath. F 869
1600 |
the Rath
Demise … to Anthony Saint Ledger …
The site, circuit, ambit, and precinct, of the late hospital of Saint John, of the Newton, by Trim … 60 acres arable, and 12 acres pasture, on the north of the same river, in the town and lands of the Newton and the Rath CPCR (Morrin II) 538
1655-7 |
Little Rath
1836 |
Little Rath
BS:AL Leathanach: Mí054,14
1836 |
Little Rath
CM:AL Leathanach: Mí054,14
1836 |
Little Rath
Co. Docket:AL Leathanach: Mí054,14
1836 |
Little Rath
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí054,14
1836 |
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí054,14
1836 |
Little Rath
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí054,14
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