The Placenames Committee
The term of office of the Placenames Commission came to an end on 11 October 2012. As part of the Public Service Reform Plan, the Government decided that the Commission would be replaced by an expert committee, operating pro bono, whose work would be conducted primarily online.
In July 2024, a new Placenames Committee was appointed on a statutory basis when Section 13 of the Official Languages Act, 2021, which amends Section 31 of the Official Languages Act, 2003, came into effect.
The main responsibility of the Placenames Committee is to advise the Minister regarding the declaration of Irish versions of Irish placenames under the Official Languages Act.
A Chairperson and ten ordinary members have been appointed to the Committee, which is to serve for three years, until June 2027.
The new Committee is focusing initially on steps to convert draft placename orders for certain counties into full placename orders.
Members of the Placenames Committee
- Professor Liam Mac Mathúna: Former Head of School, School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore and Linguistics, University College, Dublin; former member of the Placenames Commission; editor of Éigse.
Ordinary members:
- Dr Úna Bhreathnach: Editorial Manager/Assistant Professor, Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, Dublin City University (DCU).
- Dónall Mac Giolla Easpaig, MA: Former Principal Placenames Officer, Placenames Branch.
- Maura Lynskey, MA: author of An Ghaeilge ar Chomharthaí Stáit.
- Dr Patrick McKay: Dr McKay spent years working with the Northern Ireland Placenames Project agus he is the author of Dictionary of Ulster Placenames; Place-Names of Northern Ireland IV - County Antrim I, The Baronies of Toome, and Lough Neagh Places: Their Names and Origins.
- Máire Feiritéar: Expert in Connemara Irish; guest speaker on RTÉ and Raidió na Gaeltachta programmes regarding Irish language heritage and placenames.
- Donnchadh Ó Baoill, MA: Development Executive, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Doirí Beaga, Co. Donegal; West Donegal placenames expert.
- Nóilín Nic Bhloscaidh, MA: Language Advisor; member of the National Terminology Committee.
- Dr Aengus Ó Fionnagáin: Head of Irish Language Studies at the University of Limerick; Vice-President of the Society for Names Studies in Britain and Ireland.
- Caoimhe Ní Shúilleabháin, MA: Former Placenames Officer in the Placenames Branch; Former Acting Head of Unit, Department of Irish, Directorate General of Translation, European Commission; Executive Officer, Cill Dara le Gaeilge.
- Dr Liam Ó hAisibéil: Assistant Professor of Irish at the University of Galway; Co-author of the Oxford Dictionary of Family Names of Ireland (2021).