civil parish
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
n/a |
"Pinkman Caológaidh – Créithir = Narrow place of the sieves or riddles. Dr. O’Donovan writes “There are two remarkable instances of vulgar peasant translations of names of townlands in this parish (Kiltoghert) – Sheffield and Mealwood. The former is called in Irish Caológaidh-Créithir and the latter Mionn-Coill.” (Letters on County Leitrim). Caológaidh, from caológ, a narrow stripe or patch of land – which it is, and créithir, genitive of criathar, a sieve or a riddle. Probably a place where slits, used in making sieves, grew. Keelogycrehir, or even Sievefield, would represent the Irish form. "
"Arch. Inventory Rath. On the SE-facing slope of a drumlin ridge (122). Rath. On the top of a NE-SW drumlin ridge (122). Rath. On top of a NE-SW drumlin ridge (122) "
n/a |
"LSO: In this Parish there are two remarkable instances of vulgar peasant translations of names of Townlands, and exactly similar to Caulfield in Cavan, viz., Sheffield and Mealwood [Minkill]. The former is in Irish called Caologaidh Créithir and should, if translated with any correctness, be made Sieve-field! 106/219 "
1835 |
TAB (60:16/10) innéacs Leathanach: 23, 177, Nóta: (60:16/10) innéacs
1836 |
1836 |
1836 |
Sheaf-field from sheaves of corn
1836 |
1836 |
Caológ ui creithir
1836 |
Caológaidh chreithir,
1836 |
Sieve-field, or Keelogycréhir
"Correct no doubt but too violent. 'Sheffield' be it by order." [pl]
1836 |
"…there are several small forts in it…"
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The National Folklore Collection (dúchas.ie) contains material related to this place:
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