civil parish
electoral division
civil parish
electoral division
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1403 |
? Rathcrossan
GRANT, for good service, to Henry Strangwys of custody all lands [etc.] in Rathcrossan and Grenok, and also 30 acres of land in Rayestoun near Ratoath, co. Meath; [to have] for life, without rendering anything.
1407 |
del Rath
Patent Roll 8 Henry IV <br>
APPOINTMENT of Robert Moenes of Rath [del Rath] near Grenok, co. Meath, to take John Brygges, indicted of various felonies [etc.], with all his chattels [etc.], wherever he can be found within cos. Meath and Dublin (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1566 |
Rathe by Grenoke (Thomas Fitzgeralde, of ...)
Surrender by Robert Luttrell, clerk, Thomas Flemyng,
vicar of Rathmoleane, Thomas Fitzgeralde, of Rathe by Grenoke,
and Nicholas Luttrell, of Clonshillaghe, gent. .; of parcel of the
rectory of Galtrim F 854
1666 |
Sr. William Petty, Knt…in Creikstowne,
Sommerstowne, Sotherstowne alias Soderne, and
part of Blackwater, 32 a…Grenoge-Rath, 217 a…Greenoge, 111 a…in Greenoge, 65 a…bar. Ratoath, same co.
ASE 59
1752 |
Rath of Grenoge (Frances [Darcy])
Frances [Darcy], Rath of Grenoge, co.
Meath, widow. <br> Prerogrative Wills 123
1836 |
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí045,6
1836 |
Rath Grenoge
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí045,6
1836 |
Rath Grenoge
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí045,6
1836 |
Rath of Greenog
DS:AL Leathanach: Mí045,6
1836 |
An ráth, 'the fort'
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí045,6
1836 |
The Rath
Larkin (Mí):AL Leathanach: Mí045,6
1836 |
Rath of Greenóg or the Rath
pl:AL Leathanach: Mí045,6
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