civil parish
Lagore Big
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)
Historical references
1409 |
APPOINTMENT of William Tynbegh, James Uriell, Richard Sydgreve, Thomas Petit of Pierstoun and Richard Byrtoun as justices to take an assize of novel disseisin that Nicholas Duffe chaplain and John Wottoun chaplain arraigned against Christopher Plunket, sheriff of Meath, concerning tenements in Dyrloghgonyr, le Merton, Ballymore, Molynane, Flemyngeston and Dunshaghlyn.
1415 |
Close Roll 2 Henry V <br>
To John White, K.'s attorney in the Ex., and Alexander White.
On 12 Feb. [1415] 2 Hen. V,1 the K. appointed John Corryngham and Alexander White, clerks, and John Hanley and Thomas Butler to seize and hold in the K.'s hand all the goods and chattels of John Byrford of Laghgower, who has been outlawed, wherever they may be found in co. Mea (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1415 |
Lagower (John Berford of ...)
Patent Roll 3 Henry V.
PARDON to John Berford of Lagower of outlawry in a process of debt at the suit of Robert Cadell in the common bench before John fitz Adam and his fellows; he [John] is in the marshalsea, to which he had surrendered himself. (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1540-1 |
Largoure Great and Small
(Martin Stanton)
1551 |
Little Leghgoure
CPCR (Morrin) 237 25. Pardon of Robert Barnewall, of Dublin, gent. ; Marcus
Barnewall, of Loughgorne, gent., and Anne Plunket, his wife;
Thomas Fitzsymons, of Swordes, gent.; William Calfe, of Mucclone,
gent; Andrew Leynaghe, of Clonarde, chaplain ; Thomas Bocum, Rector of Bewlye; Thomas Plunket, of Napton, gent., Richard
Wyle, of Knockmark, gent. ; and John Reede, of little Leghgoure,
husbandman.—May 29, 5 .
1566 |
Loughgowres (both the ...)
Lease …to Thomas Plunket, gent.; of the site of the hospital of S. John, of the Newton by Trym, the demesne lands in the Newton and the
Rathe, a water mill on the Blackwater, and land in Clonguffyn,
the lands of Longewood alias Moydervy, Ballereyne, and Warrenston
in the parish of Knocmark, Agher in the same parish,
S. Johnstowne, Littell Mooreton, Moyaughay, Coraghton,
Richardston, Inche, and Moygher by Kelles, county Meath, the
rectories of Tullanoge and Fennore, possessions of the said
hospital ; the tithe corn of both the Loughgowres and Flemingeton, county Meath, possessions of the late monastery of Thomascort,
and the lands of Kyltalle, county Meath. F 869
1598 |
Ratoathe. — Sir Pat. Barnwall of Crickston, Baron Sedgrave of Killeglan, Barnwall of Kilbrue, Th. Plunket of Loughgoure, FitzWilliams of Dunamore, Rich. Ball of Feydorffe, Jn. Birford of Kilrowe, Js. Lee of Clonresse, Pat. Lee of Licianstown, Jn. Sparke of Ratowthe, Gellouse of Gelloustown, Rich. Fowleing of Parsonstown, Delahoyde of Dunshaghlin, 'and many freeholders.' Rich. Reade of Rowes- town, Th. Russel of Cookestown. Descript. Ir. 93
1599 |
Lagore (Edward [Plunket[)
Edward [Plunket], Lagore, co. Meath,<br> Prerogrative Wills 379
1644 |
Big Lagore (James Hollowood)
Hollowood, James, Big Lagore …farmer <br> Prerogrative Wills 235
1737 |
Joseph [Bolton], Lagore, co. Meath. <br> Prerogrative Wills 42
1750 |
Sarah Norman, Lagore, co. Meath, wid.<br>
1794: rev. Thos. [Norman], Lagore, co. Meath, Clk. <br> Prerogrative Wills 351
1778 |
Charles [Reilly], the elder, Biglagore,
co. Meath, gent.<br> Prerogrative Wills 395
1836 |
Big Lagore
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
Big Lagow
Larkin (Mí):AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
Big Lagow
GJRates (Old Docket): AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
Big Lagore
HCSV:AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
DS Ref.:AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
Bigg Lagore
DS Map:AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
Loch gobhar, 'lake of the steeds'
"(4 Masters)"
OD:AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
Lagór mór
OC:AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
1836 |
pron.:AL Leathanach: Mí100,48
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