Port Laoise
genitive: Phort Laoise
validated name (What is this?)
Port Laoise


English port, bank, fort

Explanatory note

  • Gaeilge

    the fort of Laois

    Is mó ainm a bhí ar an mbaile plandála seo i mBéarla (Fort Protector, Newfort, Maryborough, Queenstown) agus i nGaeilge (Campa, Port Laoise). Is féidir an dá ainm Gaeilge 1548 ‘an campa hi Laoighis’ agus 1580 ‘Port Laoighisi’ a chur i gcomparáid leis an tagairt luath Béarla 1549 ‘the fort at Leyx’. Díobh seo is é Port Laoise a chuaigh i dtreis ag lucht na Gaeilge mar ainm ar an mbaile. Díol spéise go bhfuil an guta deiridh ar lár ag Ó Mealláin in 1646 ‘go Port Laoiis’, ‘d’iarradh Port Laoiis’, srl. (Ollscoil Chorcaí LS 3 41, 42 ar

    Ba é fianaise Laurence (Mhaoileachlainn) Uí Bhroin (1751–1838) (féach #28176): ‘in his time, the old inhabitants of the county, when speaking Irish, called Maryborough by this name, viz. Port, .i. town, Laoighise, .i. of Laoighis’ (LSO I 168). Féach an leagan clóite de na hAnnála faoin mbliain 1580: ‘This is still the Irish name for the town of Maryborough throughout Leinster’ atá ansiúd (ARÉ V lch.1750 *n.*g). Níor ghnách leis an Donnabhánach an béal bán mar seo agus is féidir glacadh leis go raibh foinsí eile de bhreis ar an mBranach ina thaobh (cf. par Mainistir Eimhín (#1208) i gContae Chill Dara).

    Sa bhliain 1929 a baisteadh an leagan Gaeilge ‘Portlaoighise’ mar ainm oifigiúil ar an mbaile. Féach leis Bradley, Laois: History & Society 267–271, Cosby ibid. 309–313.


53.0377, -7.29517latitude, longitude
Irish Grid (with letter)
Irish Grid (without letter)
Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM)


POThere is or was once a post office here

Archival records

scanned imagescanned imagescanned imagescanned imagescanned imagescanned imagescanned imagescanned image

Historical references

Samuel Molyneaux's Tour of Kerry
JKAHS Imleabhar: 3, Leathanach: 80
Port Laoidhis
Eólas ar an Domhan

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