paróiste dlí
baile fearainn
paróiste dlí
Tagairtí stairiúla
1379 |
Patent Roll 2 Richard II
INSPEXIMUS of the partition of the lands and tenements that belonged to Theobald Verdon made in 6 Edw. III [1332–3] and sent into the chancery of Edward III by that K.'s order, in these words … Dunboyne
… Henry Wottoun …in Keen … the barony of Slane … the parish of Slane which Baldwin Fleming and his tenants hold there; and the parish of Dowth, which Luke Netterville and his tenants hold there; and the parish of Stachcallan, which Richard Exeter and his tenants hold … (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1421 |
Patent Roll 9 Henry <br>
PRESENTATION to Edward [Dantsey], bp Meath, of Christopher Hunt chaplain to the parish church of Stakallan, vacant by the free resignation of John Stanyhurst, the last rector. (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1423 |
Patent Roll 1 Henry VI <br>
COMMISSION to William Cryps clk of custody of the following lands [etc.], viz.: one third of the lands [etc.] late of Stephen Fleming in Inesmoght in the barony of Slane, which John Mann holds;
one third of the lands [etc.] late of Robert Cruys there, which John Mann holds;
1 messuage called le Oldecourte in Stakallan;
2 messuages and 40 acres of land late of John Randyll' clk there, which John Telyng holds;
50 acres there called Brayneslond, late of Thomas Daltoun, which Richard Rede holds;
and 6 messuages and 1 carucate of land late of Elizabeth Dexcestre there, which Richard Rede holds. (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1424 |
Patent Roll 2 Henry VI <br>
COMMISSION, by mainprize of John Telyng and Barnaby [Tryvers] of co. Meath, to Richard Rede and Katherine his wife, and to Richard Sydegrawe, of custody of 70 acres of land in Stacallan called Bryaneston; 6 messuages and 1 carucate of land in the parish of Stacallan; (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1427 |
Patent Roll 5 Henry VI <br>
COMMISSION, by mainprize of John Fourche and John Waffre of co. Meath, to Richard Sydgrave of custody of 1 messuage and 1 carucate of land in Stakallan (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1435c |
[No date.]
ASSIGNMENT of dower by the K.'s escheator to Katherine Butler, widow of Thomas Fleming of Slane, of one third of the manor of Slane, the entire hall, and the vaults under the hall, le bakhous, le kechyn, and the little barn, with the third part of the bawn, with free entry [etc.] to the orchard; and also one third of the profits of the hundred court and customs there, 32s 9d of royal service issuing from Stakallen, (Cal. ICR (chancery.tcd.ie))
1461-83 |
Cristofre Bellewe ... fizt et heire a philipp̃ Bellewe ... in Bellewstoñ, le Newetoñ de Stamene dyveleke Glynduff als. Slanduffe et Stakallane ... SRI Edw. IV 82
1546-7 |
Artwell, Stacallan, Cloncurry,
CPCR 129 FitzJames ( Pardon of Walter FitzJames FitzHerbert FitzGerrott, of Artwell, and Thomas Weldon, of Stacallan, late of Cloncurry, yeoman.
Nov. 8, 38°. Walter
1553 |
1562 |
Patrick Barnewall, of
1578 |
(Patrick Barnewall, of )
1598 |
Ardmollan to [ ]
Bedlowston to S r To. Bedlow,
Stackallan, Slane the Lords of it,
Moymet to Ja. Dillon,
Balldungan to the L. of Hoth,
Galtrim to the Baron of it,
Castle Jordan to Mr. Gifford
Descript. Ir. 92.
1598 |
Slane — Baron of Slane, Pat. Fleming of Gernenstown, Garret F. of Loghbracan, Piers F. of Killarie, Rich. F. of Rath-Reynolds, Edw. F. of Lobenstone, Pat. Barnwall of Gernonstown, Barnwall of Rowthstown, Walt. B. of Calcestown, Rob. B. of Starallan, Newterville of Dowth, Jn. Bath of Cashiel, Ivers of Bingerstown, Stookes of Mitchellstown, Lord Lowth of the Carrick, Rob. Mey of Slane, Geo. Fitzjones of Slane, Jn. Botford of Protfortstone. Descript. Ir. 94
1598 |
Rising out — Baron of Slane 6 ; Barnwall of Stackallen 4 archer horsemen ; Barnwall of Roweston 2 armed horsemen ; Netterville of Dowth 2. Descript. Ir. 94
1642 |
Stackallan (Edw. Birne of ...)
fol. 115r
Charles Huss of Tuterath in the parish of Kentstowne and county of Meath, duly sworne deposeth, That on the 28 of 8ber last he was robbed and spoyled … by Thomas Tallon of ffennor …gent … Edmond Birne of Stackallan …. farmer, Edward Aylemer of Haysetowne …. gent, Thomas Aylemer of Rowlandstowne … by two heards of Mr Aylemer of Dolarstowne … by William Crump of Currahtowne in the parish of Kentstowne … Bartholemew Colloh of fflamingtowne in the parish of Kentstowne … Patrick McManus of fflemingtowne aforesaid, Robart Clasco of sisly in the parish of Ballmagarvy, Patrick Clasco of the same ….
Charles Huss
jurat 22. Jan: 1641 Depositions MS 816, fols 115r-115v
1642 |
Stackallan, Stackalla, Stakallan
fol. 134r <br>
William Robinson of Novan in the County of Meath, parish Clark of the Novan, being duly sworne, deposeth That he Lost and was robbed … Mr Plunket the Lord of Telltowne gent ffrancis Hill son to Sir William Hill Symon Porter of Kingstowne … gent besides Pat: Neal of Harmanstowne, Hugh Neal of Stackallan, Cormuck Cornehan of Stackalla Pat: Dacree of Stakallan, Walter Barnewall of Cassistowne, ***Patrick McSymon of Symonstown … James Delahide, and Walter Delahide of Knockcumber gent, allso James Barnewell of Ballreske and his partner Barnewell in the said farme of Ballreske gent. All these and every of these had their hands in the robbery of the protestants at Novan, as of this Deponent, of Mr Roger Puttock, Mr Hugh Kent and others. Nevell Wiggnall of Nivenstowne by Novan was murthered, (as this deponent verely <D> beleeueth) by John Morgan of Novan. Richard Langford Depositions MS 816, fols 134r-135v
1643 |
Stackellin (James ffleemeing of ...)
fol. 230r <br>
… James Cusack sonn to Mr Cusack of Rahallin in the County of Meath: … Captaine William Drake of Drakes=towne MrCusack of Gerristowne … Sir Richard Barnwell of Crickstown knighte & Barronet … Robert Nangle ofnere the Skreene … Mr Edwards of Randlestowne Captain Brinigham [ ] Mr Betagh of Menalty … John Be tagh of Walterstown John Betagh of Cnoglasse … Tho: Teelen of Mulloghaghe gent. The eldest sonn of the said Oliver Luttrell Tho: Plunkett of Wilkinstonn John Tallen of ffleshistonn: Mr Begg of ffleshistowne, ould <g> Mabb of Mabbsenntry Es gent, Mr Dowdall of Bellumby nere the Navan Esquire … Nicholas White of Clinkell … James ffleemeing of Stackellin
Depositions MS 816, fols 230r-231v
1667 |
34. ELIZABETH MASSAM widow.—The manor, castle,
and town of Stackallen, with Stackallen (part of lands), 313 a…Causestowne, 138 a. prof. 6 a…Hardmanstowne, 98 a—Plowland, 117 a.
ASE 94
1667 |
9. ELIZABETH MASSAM widow—The manor, castle, Meath.
and town of Stackallen, 313 A…Causestowne, 138 a…Hardmanstowne, 98 a—Plowland, 117 a.; bar. Slane, co. Meath— ASE 110
1669 |
James, Duke of York…Stackallan (part), out of ye comon and ye north, next Rowestowne, 203 a…Roestowne (part), 105 a…bar. Slane…
ASE 190
1703 |
1703…The towns of Rochestowne, 220 a. Rowstowne, 128 a. the tucking mill and corn mill thereon. — part of Stackallin, 198 a.—Avilstowne, 113 a.—
part of Barnwellstowne, 40 a.—part of Corballis, 107 A. ; bar.
Slane, co. Meath.—and all other lands in the tenure of John
Blackley, as tenant to said trustees, at y' rent of 160/. ; at
which value ye Brigadier bought ye same.—the estate of the
late King James.—Inrolled 18th June 1703. Forf. Est. 349
1715/16 |
a bporraisde Thighthe Callain
'Arna athsgríob[h]adh le Seón Mac Solaidh ...'; BL Egerton 106, f. 132
CCluana Tarbh Leathanach: 44
1776 |
i dToigh Colláin
Is i dToigh Colláin bhíos mé i gcómhnuidhe. 25.
1836 |
Ye Mannor of Stackallen
DS Ref.:AL Leathanach: Mí107,9
1836 |
The Mannor of Stackallin
DS Map:AL Leathanach: Mí107,9
1836 |
Inq. J I:AL Leathanach: Mí107,9
1836 |
Inq. J I:AL Leathanach: Mí107,9
1836 |
Inq. C I:AL Leathanach: Mí107,9
1836 |
Inq. C I:AL Leathanach: Mí107,9
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Is féidir leas a bhaint as an ábhar cartlainne agus taighde atá curtha ar fáil ar an suíomh seo ach an fhoinse a admháil. Ní mór scríobh chuig logainm@dcu.ie chun cead athfhoilsithe nó saincheisteanna eile maidir le ceadanna nó cóipcheart a phlé.
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